The morning after

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Dick frowned immediately when he noticed Tim was nowhere in their hotel room.

Walking to the kitchenette, he already had his phone out texting his brother. Not even looking up at Bruce and Damian, as he asked if they'd seen him since last night.

They had all come back at different times from the club, so it was possible one of them had seen Tim or even rode back with him.

He heard Damian speak up around the rim of his coffee mug. "He left with that guy from the TV yesterday."

Looking up with a confused expression, Dick eyed Damian. "What? Who?" Bruce and Dick were now both staring intensely at the youngest Wayne as he set his mug down.

"The playboy from the news. Jason something or other. Yeah, Tim and him left in a black proche after you guys left. No, he wasn't wasted. A little tipsy, but you know Tim, he's not much of a drinker."

Dick's eyes widened and he glanced at Bruce, then back down at his phone, sending another, more frantic txt.

Bruce sigh out slowly then spoke. "Damian, this is important information. You should have told us." Dick was only half paying attention, but still nodded in agreement as he tried to call Tim.

While he was frantic, Bruce still showed a stoic expression. Slight worry seeping through in the corner of his pursed lips.

Damian breathed out slowly, leaning back on the couch to see both men better. "He was going on and on about how he really needed to be more outgoing. Loosen up. Have some fun. I figured he was finally doing that. I didn't see the harm in it. He is an adult."

Dick and Bruce sighed out at the same time just before Dick started to leave a voice-mail. "Hey Timbo, call me back. Or just let me know you're okay... Yeah, just call me please!"

He hung up and glanced up at Damian. As he and Bruce fixed him with a glare, the young teen was starting to regret saying anything.

He was right though. Tim was an adult. He wasnt stupid either, but Dick didn't like the idea that he had left with this playboy guy. In Italy. If something happened to him, he had no idea how they'd find him.


Jason's POV

My body ached, but surprisingly not in it's normal, after-a-big-party type way. I felt oddly relaxed and warm as I breathed out and stretched, feeling the ache more throughly throughout my body.

My eyes popped open when I felt resistance on my body as I tried to sit up. A hand in my own, with fingers intertwined. A head on my chest, pricking my skin with steady heated breaths.

Someone's asleep on me.

My breath caught in my throat and I closed my eyes, letting the memories of last night resurface.

Black hair and stunning green eyes filled my mind's eye. A slender, perfect body, fitted to my own. Our hands tugging and pulling at each other, fighting for dominance in heated kisses and touches.

A lazy smile stretched across my face before I could stop myself, a single syllable name left my lips. "Tim."

Instinctively, my arm wrapped tighter around the smaller body laying halfway on mine, my hand smoothing across the skin and up into silky hair. My mind buzzed as confusion crossed my face.

Why am I still holding him? Why are we still like this?

I'd met him at a club just hours ago and brought him...home?


My body stilled as I looked around confirming that, yes, this was my bedroom. At my estate. Not the usual hotel room where I took one night stands.

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