"No." I sighed with a smile, he smiled back but it wasnt normal. It was sadder than what I was hoping for.

"Ok." He said softly and kissed my forehead. He put his hand on the door handle and I grabbed his arm.

"What are we going to do at nights?" I asked in a whisper.

"What do you mean darling?"

"I mean like... how can I see you at night when Ben sleeps in my room..?"

"Easy, give him his own room." My eyes shot wide. Was he serious?

"Really?" I asked, my eyebrows raised.


"Malachai, we live in a supernatural world. He is a supernatural baby. People could be after him, someone could break in! What if it's hot one night so I open his window, I mean I saw how easy it was for you-"

"Raya, we will figure it out. I can out up a silence spell at night and come over, it's totally ok."

"But I want to be with you..." I murmured. "At night." I snapped quickly, I didnt want to give him the wrong idea. Damon was still in the picture, sort of. I didnt want to jeopardize what I had with Damon, not just yet.

He nodded his head and brought his hand up to my cheek. He kissed me softly and then let go.

He got out of the car and sped over to open my door before I could get out myself. He lightly closed the door and we walked towards the front door.

"Hes fast asleep in my room, Stefan and Valerie are sitting on the couch, drunk."

"So can we just sneak in?" He asked softly.

"Should be able to, yes." I said looking up at him with a grin, he smirked down at me.

We walked in and the two didnt even notice us. Kai went I to his room and I went into mine, I kissed Ben's forehead and then changed into a pair of shorts and a new bra.

He came in quietly and smiled at me, I could feel the spell was still up. He laid in the bed and I laid down next to him. He took the spell down.

"You dont think he'll wake?" Kai whispered in my ear as he pulled my waist further into him

"Once hes asleep for the night, hes out. Even as a baby hes always been a good sleeper." I replied in the same tone. Kai wrapped his arms around my torso and I grabbed one of his hands and laid it on my cheek. I looked up more towards the ceiling than on my side so I couldn't crush his hand. He slowly and softly rubbed his thumb on my cheek, I moved my hand down to his wrist.

He kissed my neck a few times then snuggled into my hair gently. "Do you think we would stay like this..?" I asked, I almost didnt want and answer.

"I hope we do. But I know that... Damon... is still a big part of you, no matter how much I wished he wasnt, he is." He struggled to say it, I could hear in his voice how he didnt want to admit that I still loved him.

"What about... after he comes back." I asked, we have talked about this before and I knew what I told him. The second Damon came back we would end things, but I didnt know if I'd want to let go.

"Well, that'll have to be something that you think about. You now know that I'll always be here for you, and I'd want to keep you- if that's the right way to say it- even after he comes back. But your emotions for him will doubtfully change, and you shouldnt have us at the same time. I cant deal with the jealousy of seeing you two public while I'm your side thing, and it's not fair to him, love."

"I know I just..." I didn't finish, I knew he knew what I was talking about. I knew he knew I wanted them both. We also knew that I had to choose, and I didnt want to choose.

"Its fine, m'love. I will forever wait for you Raya Blake-"

"How do you know my middle name?" I asked harshly and quietly as I turned my head all the way over to look at him.

"I have my ways." He smiled and kissed me. "My point being, is that I will wait. I have forever to wait, we both do. So I will wait."

"You shouldn't have to wait, Malachai." I whispered as I laid my head fully on the pillow, he kept his hand on my cheek.

"That doesnt stop me from trying." He whispered back, then softly kissed me behind the ear.


Sorry for the short chapter! Things in the story are going to be switching up a little, but in good ways. Next chapter will be posted tonight even if I die trying, see you in a few!

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