Chapter 4 (Mature Content)

Mulai dari awal

"Let's go." she commanded as if his quivering and drained state was nothing. Helping him to his feet, Dana started towards the door. Dustin pulled her back to his chest.

"We can't go out there." he whispered frantically, remembering the women.

"Don't worry. They're gone." she said as she led him outside.

They made their way back to Dustin's new home which was further away from the other homes and closer to Wolf Lands. Dustin moved about quickly looking for the supplies Dana told him they would need while his mind tried to sort out his emotions regarding his beautiful predator. Sexy, mysterious, and deadly he knew he should be running in fear. Instead he found himself consumed with attraction and lust. Her dominant nature called to his meekness to submit in every way. She was strong and took charge of even the simplest things. Dustin liked that she could quickly rally and plan. He always knew that he was expected to marry Nina and "be the man." It was an accepted fate that was expected but now he craved nothing more than to sit at the feet of this she-wolf and offer himself up for a feast. His mother would be disappointed and he would selfishly be letting down his best friend. How far was he willing to go for lust and, dare he say, happiness? He wondered.


It was late afternoon when Nina woke with a small smile on her face. Her bed was warm, comfortable and smelled like cedar wood and rain. She snuggled down further as sleep once again began to claim her until her drowsy mind registered that the bed moved beneath her. Bolting upright she bit back a scream as dark stormy eyes stared back at her. The face was well sculpted and handsome. Dark stubble covered a strong jawline and firm features looked cold and unyielding. Those eyes held a predatory gleam and the rabbit within her shrunk away. Remembering the earlier events she quivered in terror.

Her anxiety annoyed the prince. "Stop shaking ." he growled wanting her to relax in his arms again as she had in her sleep. This desire was different than any other that he had experienced. For far too long he had been more beast than man. The beast was always wild, primitive, and gave zero fucks about anyone or anything including consent. The man embraced his beast and was driven by his own hedonistic wants. But now, for some strange reason, he didn't want her to be afraid of him.

She began to sob as tears ran down her pale cheeks. Without warning the young doe was pinned down to the bed. The beast growled above Nina feeding her fear.

"If I want to use your body then there's nothing you can do to stop me." he muttered and her pulse skyrocketed. "The fact that I haven't done anything to you yet makes all this drama unnecessary." he continued in such a reasonable tone. Uncomfortable Nina tried to squirm away.

"Don't!" he growled. Nina froze refusing to so much as breathe.

"Do you know how to cook?" he asked suddenly.

Nina barely nodded.

"Good. Make dinner." he said standing naked next to the bed. Nina blushed as she shyly watched him stretch and yawn refusing to look further south than his waistline. His body was not overly bulky but he was toned and muscular. He radiated heat as most shifters do except for Nina she always felt cold. Despite the horror of what she had witnessed and who this beast was, she oddly felt that she could bury herself in his heat and finally find warmth.

The man strutted across the room and when the bathroom door clicked shut. Nina jumped from the bed. Hyperventilating she stood still trying to slow her breathing as her vision began tunneling. Counting slowly she finally managed to calm her nerves slightly.

As much as she wanted to escape, she didn't want to risk running into more trouble. It was best that she observe her surroundings and search for a way out. Her family and Dustin must be so worried about her. Tears sprang to her eyes as she thought of her husband-to-be. She hoped that he was alright and had escaped those wolves.

Dashing away the drops of moisture, Nina went in search of the kitchen. Shivering as soon as her feet touched the cold tile she walked to the refrigerator and opened the shiny silver door. The shelves were well stocked with mostly meat. The sight made her queasy and she felt her rabbit stir uncomfortably. If she had a choice she would stick to the vegetable and fruit drawers. Unfortunately, wolves and their humans were huge carnivores. The rage and cruelty of her host was terrifying and the thought of an unhappy hungry beast sent her nerves quivering towards breakdown.

Quickly grabbing a huge steak, she pulled it out and sprinkled it with steak seasoning. Placing a heavy black cast iron pan on the stove she added some grease to heat. Sniffing carefully, she was able to locate the earthy smell of potatoes. Nina loved potatoes with sour cream. It didn't matter if they were fried, mashed, roasted, or baked. Sour cream and potatoes were her favorite pairing. Taking out two large Russets she popped them in the microwave. Rushing back to the stove she cautiously laid the hunk of meat on the hot pan. Pulling out the potatoes, she cut them in half and scooped out the potatoes. Mixing the inside with cheese, sour cream, butter, and a dash of pepper she spooned the filling back into the skins before laying them on a cookie sheet and setting them in the oven to bake. (Author's Note: You probably couldn't tell but I'm really hungry right now).

Once the food was ready, Nina plated the meal as her captor walked into the kitchen wearing only a pair of low riding sweatpants. Swallowing hard she tried her best not to stare. Looking down she rearranged her folk and knife twice. Absently tuned her plate around while thinking about toned abs and that line of black hair running from his bellybutton to-.

"Food first." A low voice growled in her ear. Bitter yet sweet like dark chocolate on her tongue.

Nina froze completely startled to find that the man was directly behind her. Lurking like a big bad wolf. Even though he wasn't touching her he was so close that she knew if she breathed hard her back would touch his chest. His heat made her shiver with an unknown desire that was unfamiliar to her inexperienced body.

"W-what?" she stuttered as he bent forward resting his hands on the table. She automatically leaned forward as well to maintain small distance as her mind was reduced to a puddle of misfiring neurons.

"Food first." he repeated in a low seductive voice. His heat and closeness cause a flooding of her already damp panties. Her core throbbed in need. It was so strange being so close to a predator and so taboo to want him even closer that Nina shivered with want and confusion. That dark voice continued, "Then I'll feast on that sweet smelling pussy of yours."

Nina's mind went blank at his words trying to comprehend as he rubbed his nose with a feather like touch along her neck raising goosebumps on her skin. Taking a deep breath he hummed. "I'm used to a more rich honey and spice but you smell like flowers and sunshine. So different from she-wolves." he said. The sudden nip on her shoulder caused her to jump as if electrified. He spun her suddenly and pinned her against the table.

Tears filled her baby blue eyes, he grabbed her face in one hand firmly but not tightly. His other hand squeezed her hip keeping her in place as she began to struggle. Her breathing came out in short pants as fear started to cloud her mind. His claws lightly dug into her skin, not painfully but just enough to make her stop. His dark gaze captured her own. So intense and commanding that she couldn't look away. A rough thumb gently wiped away a tear that had spilled.

"So beautiful." he said slowly, examining her as if he were looking at a piece of art rather than a person. "I want you just like this. Crying, with so many emotions in your eyes. Fear that begs me not to hurt you. Desire that begs me to take you. Shame that begs me to stop. And lust that begs me to fuck all that innocence from your eyes."

Nina swallowed hard, she feared the unknown and her heart pounding in her chest. Trying to look away despite his grip she noticed the stove and that brought to mind the reason he came down.

"The food is getting cold." she whispered against the thumb that now rubbed her lower lip.

He stepped back suddenly, removing his hands from her body. Nina gasped, breathing deep now that she was no longer surrounded by his heat and intensity. Turning to face the small kitchen table, she saw that he was already seated at the other end and was picking up his fork and knife.

They ate in silence. Nina's emotions were still discombobulated and her motions mechanical. One thing she knew for sure. She needed to escape.


So any opinions on the story so far?

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