Possible Treatment

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Lucio's P.O.V

Y/n was laying next to me asleep and breathing shallowly, if he didn't show improvement soon Julian would have to move him into the dungeon with all the other ill people to keep the plague from spreading through the castle. I looked up as I heard the door open revealing Vulgora and Valdemar. "We found a way to save you Lucio but it wouldn't work for your little pet." Valdemar said. "But I heard the doctor talking and he might be able to save him." Said Vulgora. I nodded for them to explain. "It's a ritual for a new plauge free body." Valdemar continued. I nodded and with that they left the room.

Julian's P.O.V

I had to move y/n downstairs, he was on a faster downhill slide then Lucio. Julian sighed heavily, Asra found a ritual that might be able to save y/n but it would take awhile for it to be ready. I went into Lucio's room and he knew what was happening, I picked y/n up in my arms and walked out the door. He briefly opened his eyes to look at me and both whites of his eyes were so very red. I looked down at him sadly. "I'm sorry y/n, I wish there was more I could do for you." He nodded and closed his eyes. I could tell that he was a mute by choice due to the plague destroying his body making it hard to talk. Once I got downstairs I found the most comfortable spot for y/n and layed him down, I put one of the thin blankets over him wishing I had something better. And with that I did my rounds to try and help everybody else down here.

A week went by and y/n just kept getting worse, we all knew that he was gone now. There wasn't anything we could do. The door to my office slammed open and Asra ran in, I've never seen him so spastic. "What's up Asra?" I asked. He looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I can save him, even if he dies I can save him." My own eyes widened. "That's good! That's amazing!" I said. Valdemar walked into my office. "Doctor, your friend has sadly passed." Said Valdemar with mock empathy and left. Asra and I ran out of my office to y/n to find he had just recently passed. Asra was sad sure but he had a plan. Asra kneeled down and ruffled y/n's hair, I couldn't really see his face due to a medical mask to protect himself from any illness. 

*time skip to 2 days before the masquerade*

I was the in a panic, Lucio had made his courtiers force feed me a plague beetle, I was getting sick and needed to find a cure. It was late that night and I had fallen asleep at my desk, I was dreaming of the hanged man, one of the arcana I'd seen in Asra's tarot deck. He told me that the source of the plague was Lucio. And with that we made a deal. (I'm so sorry if this is inaccurate, it's been so long since I've played 😭)  I had the ability to heal minor wounds and illness in other's for the low low price of I had to take on the wound or illness. Asra had a plan to get y/n back, how he was gonna do it I don't know, they had burned his body already. When I woke up from the dream I knew what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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