Chapter 4

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Selena ran as fast as her booted feet could carry her, aware of a growling presence behind her. She wished that she had been sterner with her own cardio exercises as she pushed her feet to trudge through the forest. Perhaps the wrong thing to do was to run. But her flight response overpowered her fight response and she followed her instinct to leave the woods.

Her naked legs scraped against a rugged edge of rock and she yelped. The wolf at her heels whined out in protest and she stumbled flat onto her face, knocking her forehead on another rock, the warm trickle of blood flowing from above her eyebrow, blocking the sight in her one eye.                                                                                              

The wolf again howled as if he was in agony and Selena readied herself to raise from the ground. The vicious wolf pounced onto her, trapping her beneath him.                                                                                                                                            

Ok, now shit was getting out of control.                                                                                                                 If she had a choice, being mauled by a wolf would be last on her list of a thousand preferred ways to die. She struggled under the warm furry belly of the wolf as his mammoth muzzle searched for contact with her skin. The wolf pawed at her sides, forcing her to turn onto her back.                                                       

She stared at the animal above her as his jaw opened, baring his sharp glistening with hunger canines. Her limbs were frozen in place, mouth slightly ajar at the realisation that it was her time to die and that someone had crossed out all the other preferred options she would’ve chosen, leaving her with only one. All she was able to do was scream.                                                                                             And scream she did.


Selena shifted her head awkwardly on her hard mattress. The warmth cocooning her was suffocating her now and she lazily moved her hand to her sleep shirt, wriggling, so she could lift it above her hips.                                                                   The cool air fluttered around her back, making her moan softly, but the warmth was still there beneath her, in fact it increased.                                                     

And there was also an upwards movement of some sort near the juncture of her legs.                                                                                                                                                   That didn’t seem right at all.                                                                                              Selena shifted her head on her hard mattress, stopping abruptly when her lips tasted salty skin. She jolted up from her hard, warm mattress whose slitted hazel eyes lingered on hers.                                                                                                               

“Selena, hey” She heard Jase’s voice softly call out to her and she turned her head to where he was standing.                                                                                                                                       So, she hadn’t been dreaming.                                                                                                         Not at all.                                                                                                                                                            And judging from the modern white and grey room she was in, she wasn’t even camping with Ashley.                                                                                                                              Fuck.                                                                                                                                             

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