Chapter 10.

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"So you're talking to Jay again?" Jem asked.

"Yep. He literally begged for another chance."

"Well I hope he doesn't blow it. I don't know many men who would beg like that though."

"Jay's not like the least I thought he wasn't. We'll see."

My phone pinged with a text from the guy I was dating, Cameron.

"Are you going out with him tonight?"

"Yes, he's inviting me to a fancy restaurant. Wanna double date?"

"Can't sorry, we already have something planned. You have fun though."

Cameron was the same age as me and in university. He had brown hair neatly styled into a quiff and sparkling brown eyes.

"You look beautiful tonight."

"Thanks Cam" I blushed. "You look good too. How was uni?"

"It was alright, kind of boring. I'm glad I started uni older because I would not have been bothered as a teen."

"It's definitely a commitment which not everyone can make."

"I have a gift for you." Cameron pulled out a box. "Open it."

Inside was a beautiful silver necklace.

"This is beautiful Cam, thank you."

"You're welcome. I like spoiling you."

We talked for a bit about things and I invited him to come hang out with me and the boys. I'd recently started speaking to them again and I figured it would be nice to introduce Cam.

"I wouldn't mind coming over" he replied. "Just tell me when."

The boys were hanging out at a bar the next day, so I invited Cam then. He shook hands with everyone and made conversation, keeping his hand in mine. I had the impression that Jay was looking at us, but it was probably just in my head.

"So what are you studying?"

"Business. I think I might start one of my own one day."

"That's a good idea" piped up Nathan's new girlfriend, Lucy. He'd introduced me to her last week and so far I really liked her. "What kind of business?"

"I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping to figure that out as I go along."

"You have plenty of time then."

Everyone seemed to get on fine with Cam, so I took that as a good sign. Perhaps things could get serious with him.


Two weeks later, I woke up to several missed calls and texts from Jem.

Wake up Hailey! I have to show you something!

I grabbed my phone and called her back. "What's up?"

"I just saw something you need to see on Instagram. You know how you're dating Cam?"


"Well I don't think you're the only one. Look at what I messaged you."

I opened Instagram and saw a photo of Cam kissing another girl at a club. "What?!"

"I know right! There's many more where that came from."

"I don't need to see them. I'll deal with him."

"Confront him girl. He deserves it."

I knew exactly where he'd be at this hour so I went to his uni before work. He was talking to some people who left when I arrived.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"What's this?"

I showed him the photo and he scratched his head. "I went out and had a good time."

"So I'm a joke to you?"

"No you're not Hailey, you're just not the only girl I'm dating."

"So you're dating loads?"

"Sort of. Until I'm ready to commit you know."

"Obviously I'm not worth your commitment. You lied to me Cameron."

"No wait, Hailey..."

I slapped him across the face, making several people turn around. "Don't talk to me ever again!"

And with that I went off to work.

Obviously I was upset. I called Jem to tell her all about what had happened.

"He didn't deserve you Hailey. With him out of the way, now you can find someone proper."

"I certainly hope so. I'm starting to lose my taste for men."

"Don't worry, it'll come back. I had to kiss many frogs before finding Harry."


I went to work feeling upset, but I kept up my professional demeanor so as not to attract questions. I was already planning a night in with ice cream in my head. Next time I'd be more careful, if there was a next time.

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