Chapter 3.

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Big announcement today!

I was greeted by this text from Jay when I woke up, rubbing my sleepy eyes. We'd been chatting non-stop for the last month so I was used to this kind of situation, but I still didn't know what the surprise was.

When? was all I texted back as I sat down to eat breakfast.

Turn on your TV, channel 1.

Whatever it was, it was huge if it was going on national TV. I quickly found the remote and put it on the morning show.

"Today we have some special guests which you haven't seen together in years!"

"Since their split around 5 years ago, fans have been waiting for them to reunite, and today is their lucky day! Please welcome The Wanted!"

The audience erupted into cheerful applause. My heart stopped. Had I heard right? The Wanted were back together?

Did you see it?

Jay's text came in after the interview. I was still in shock at such big news. The Wanted had been my childhood.

Yes. Really excited! Congratulations!

Thanks. We're going to have a huge party to celebrate us getting back together, want to come? You can bring a friend.

Sure! I'll bring Harry.

Harry was definitely excited to be invited to a celebrity party. He'd made more effort than I'd ever seen him make in an attempt to impress.

"Relax Harry, you're acting like you're meeting the queen."

"As if you aren't nervous."

He wasn't wrong, but because I knew Jay would be there I was somewhat reassured.

"I think we're here."

The party was being held at a big house on a fancy street. It looked like only someone with a lot of money could afford it.

I rang the bell and waited, hearing footsteps approaching the door. "Here goes" Harry muttered as he cleared his throat.

"Hi there, we're friends of Jay's."

"Hey, come on in. I'm Nathan by the way." Nathan shook both of our hands and led us inside.

"We have food and drinks over there, and games over here. Just make yourself comfortable."

"Do you know where Jay is?"

"Knowing him he's near the drinks. Hang up your coats over there if you want to."

Jay was indeed near the drinks table, talking to someone I didn't know. "Hailey! And I presume this is Harry? Glad you could make it."

"This is a lovely house Jay. Is this yours?"

"No, this is ours."


"Our manager rented a house for us as a base."

"Nice! I like what you've done with the place."

"It came like this" he laughed. "Want me to take you around?"


Harry tagged along on this impromptu tour. There were 6 rooms in total in the house, each one reflective of the person sleeping there. The living room was big and connected to the kitchen where people were assembling to drink. There was even a garden outside.

"Would you like a drink? We have juice too for you Hailey."

"I wouldn't mind some orange juice" Harry piped up.

"Do you not like beer?" I asked as Jay went to fix our drinks.

"I don't drink" he shrugged.

"Really? I didn't know that. Why not?"

"Because of a friend I lost to alcohol. I promised myself that day that I'd stay sober."

"That's a wonderful promise" I smiled.

Jay came back with our drinks and we went to try join a game. Nathan came up to join us, drink in hand. "I didn't get your name."

"I'm Hailey."

"I'm Harry."

"Nice to meet you both."

"How'd you meet Jay then?"

I explained everything to him as Harry took part in the game. He was a good listener, and our similar love of sarcasm made us hit it off instantly.

Jay came to find me later on in the party. Apparently they were going to do a speech, so I went into the kitchen to watch.

"Thank you everyone for coming and for celebrating our reunion. We're too drunk to give a good speech right now so we'll just say thank you again and raise a toast to the future."

"To the future!" we all shouted in unison.

The party raged on for hours. I danced, played, and eventually got tired. Jay was all over the place, and people didn't seem to be leaving.

"You can stay overnight if you want" Jay suggested when he got back to me. "I think that people will be staying here anyway."

"I don't know. I should probably go home."

"It's really late and I want you to be safe."

He was right. It was the early hours of the morning, Harry was yawning and I knew that there was a spare room. "Okay then, just show me where to sleep."

Jay took me upstairs to the guest room and set us up there. Although he was drunk and very giggly, he was still somewhat able to be functional.

"See you in the morning" he slurred.

"Thanks Jay. See you tomorrow."

He pulled me in for a hug before leaving me to get comfortable with Harry.

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