"No way. Spill," Izzy scoffed at his words.

Sighing, he continued on knowing he wouldn't be able to get rid of her. "I have chlamydia," he admitted.

All four of them erupted into a frenzy of shouts and disbelief. "The doctor called me and said I tested positive."

"How is that possible?" Kurt asked.

"I don't know," Artie said in defeat.

"Do you use protection?" Izzy questioned him.


"There you go," she grimaced.

"Artie, are you kidding?" Sam looked livid.

Artie started getting nervous and started speaking faster because of it. "The one time I bought some, I got nervous because they were locked in a cabinet and the pharmacist asked me which kind I liked and I panicked so then she gave me these ones that were all greasy and they smelled like a banana. It was like putting on a tiny, greasy, banana-flavoured wet suit."

"No, Artie, okay? There's no excuse. That is completely irresponsible! You have to wear one every time!" Sam yelled at a very guilty-looking Artie.

"He's educated, you made a good pick," Kurt bit back a smile.

"Cheap shot," Izzy rolled her eyes to hide her red cheeks.

"Stop yelling. I'm sure he feels bad enough," Blaine tried calming Sam down.

"No, Blaine, this isn't okay. Artie needs to be slut-shamed," Sam pointed his finger at Artie dramatically. "I'm slut-shaming you, Artie!"

"See, Blaine? Two years later and Sam is still taking Cooper's advice," she said in the midst of all the chaos, leaving Blaine rolling his eyes. Sam, however, seemed to agree with her.

"You're lucky you just got chlamydia. I mean, you could've caught something that can't be cured."

"Yeah, you could've gotten somebody pregnant," Blaine added.

Izzy made a face and cut in. "God, weren't you friends with Puck?" she asked in disgust.

"Slut! Slut shame!" Sam shouted at him and gave a nodding Izzy a high five.

"Well, I'm sure you're getting treated, right?" Kurt said, clearly the calmest one there.

"Yes. I take antibiotics for two weeks and then I go for a checkup to make sure it's cured."

"You have to tell the girl you slept with."

"Which one?"

"Woah," Izzy said in disbelief.

Blaine and especially Sam were freaking out. Blaine was extremely confused and clearly shocked, whereas Sam just looked disappointedly shocked. If that was a thing.

"Yeah, I've been sleeping with two different girls," Artie said sheepishly.

"Damn, he's got game," Izzy raised her eyebrows in shock.

"Who are you? It's like I don't even know you!" Sam exclaimed in defeat.

Izzy was about to cut in by saying that he made out with about every glee girl there was, but she realised that it would be more awkward than expected. So she kept her mouth shut.

"Calm down," she said to Sam.

"Artie, listen to us," Blaine tried saying reasonably. "You have to tell these girls that you have chlamydia. If you don't, you're gonna put their health at risk. And they could be spreading it to others. It's the right thing to do. You owe it to them."

At this point, Sam had been standing very far away from Artie specifically. Afraid of him, he mouthed to everyone to stay away from Artie.


After some convincing from Blaine, Sam asked Izzy to go out to dinner at the Spotlight Diner with him. And after Artie persuaded her, (at a safe distance as per Sam's request) she allowed herself to go out with him. She honestly did want to go out with Sam, but Blaine couldn't know that.

"Believe it or not, I've never actually been here at night," Izzy said, taking a seat opposite Sam. "It's really pretty," she said, staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah, it is," he replied, looking straight at her. Call it cliche, but it was very romantic in Izzy's opinion.

Spotting the two of them, Kurt rushed over to serve them, just like Artie planned. "Well, can I get you two lovebirds anything?"

"Yeah, yeah, definitely," Sam stuttered while Izzy hid the rose tint on her cheeks. "What's the most expensive dessert on the menu?"

"It's a diner. I don't think there's really anything too expensive."

Thinking of the most expensive thing that came to mind, Sam voiced his choice. "What about, uh, do you guys have those milkshakes with, like, little specks of gold in them?"

"We do not," Kurt replied, regretting listening to Artie's meddling.

"Just get us a milkshake," Izzy said to Kurt.

"Just one?" he teased.

"Sure," Sam said instantly.

Smirking to himself, Kurt wrote down the order. "I'll get you two straws, unless-"

"Two," Izzy glared at him, trying very hard to hide the smirk that was creeping up on her. Nodding, Kurt rushed off to tell Artie that the plan had worked. Lucky for him, Artie was wheeling himself in with his new girlfriend.

"I have got to learn how he does it," Izzy commented, waving to Artie in the process.

Artie waved back with a smirk on his face, and she figured that it was because of something Kurt said.

"They're rooting for us, you know," Sam blurted out.

Taken aback, she took a while to process the words that had just come out of his mouth. "I think they've made that pretty clear."

"What do you think about it?" Sam asked her awkwardly.

"About what?"


"I honestly don't know," Izzy confessed. "I think that we were good together, but the timing was a little off."

"Is the timing right now?" he stared into her eyes.

Izzy couldn't believe it. Sam Evans had left her speechless. The last time that happened was in high school. She hated the feeling, but loved him. It cancelled each other out.

Right on cue, Kurt appeared with their single milkshake. "One vanilla milkshake with chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and two straws."

"Thanks," she smiled at him. Kurt simply winked at her in response.

Sam got up and took a seat next to her. Izzy brushed it off, figured that it had to do with the fact that they were sharing. "Would you be okay if we tried again?" he was facing her now, ignoring the milkshake completely.

"Yeah. I would," she nodded. 

They were both staring at each other's lips, with Izzy wanting to do something she shouldn't. Without warning, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

a/n: hey!! i just published a new glee fic called lover. check it out if you're interested :)

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