Finis - Epilogue

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Gilbert himself continued on his way, passing the crown of a fig tree near the steepening slopes to the harbor. The first people were already at work, which he could easily see from the flocks of sheep in the distance. Already out of instinct, he pulled his hood over his head, already getting ready to avoid any eye contact, so as not to cause too much of a stir. The albino didn't need any further problems and stress at the moment, the only thing he had in mind was the goal Gabriel had given him. To escape and hope to live in peace at least for a limited time. He sighed, followed the narrow path to the gate of the port city. A flock of birds hissed by over his head, making loud noise instead of singing sweetly as Gabriel usually did with their chirping in the background. Now, in his solitude, he could only feast and revel in the memories. At least, that's what the Teutonic Knight thought.

He rummaged around in Gabriel's pouch, already eating a few dates to satisfy his hunger for now and keep damaged circulation alive. Everything he might need for a short trip was stowed in the leather pouch. The rest, however, he would have to get for himself. He found a few berry bushes along the way, and in particular, he was able to pick off some fruit from the nearest fig tree. He even managed to grab a pomegranate or two from the plants without difficulty. With all the luggage on his back, however, the steep path became harder to manage. While the albino was still stowing the last fruits in his bag, a small note came out from under the one pair of change of clothes, which he took out and unfolded without thinking about it. A small cartoon came out, and on the back were notes and lyrics. It had to be the note that Gabriel had mentioned earlier.

He carefully stroked the fibrous paper, examining the clearly older caricature closely. He recognized Gabriel, himself and a small scribbled Joan in the corner. The corners of his mouth simply had to twitch upwards. He found it somehow amusing how lovelessly his friend drew the Order of Hospitaller for the sake of equality, although he obviously had no real desire to do so. It was kind of cute and funny at the same time, especially considering that Gabriel very rarely showed any real ill will towards anyone and when he did, he mostly swallowed it. He turned the note over again, deciphering the letters that were written on it.

"R-Requiem of the Dawn, huh?", Gilbert squinted his eyes, "So he's clearly a loser at writing pretty letters, you can hardly read it."

Birdsong sounded again and Gilbert instantly flinched as a flock of migrating birds whizzed just past him. Even though he loved watching them, envying them for the freedom they radiated, he certainly didn't want to become a "drain object" for them. Especially not when he had no real chance to wash himself or his clothes anymore. Fortunately, they were only moving quickly through the area and may not have even noticed Gilbert. Gilbert watched them go, wishing nothing more at that moment than to follow them and smile towards the boundless freedom. But he remained on the ground. Bound by thousands and thousands of mental chains that weighed down and restrained his small body from gaining his longed-for freedom...far from the regulations that imprisoned his personality, far from the hatred that people held against him, far from the people he was bound to and called his order. Once to be free from the burden, to break out of the cage like a bird, that would be incredibly beautiful....

Suddenly, he felt a weight on his shoulder and wheeled around, startled, only to see a small yellow bird gawking at him, twitching and tilting its head. The bird was young and still had a down or two sticking out in places, but Gilbert was transfixed by it at the exact moment, as if he had discovered in this bird the holy spirit himself. He was unusually confiding.

"Huh, who are you?"


Meanwhile, the Knight Templar was still kneeling in the same place where he last saw Gilbert. The dawn was past, the morning had begun and Gabriel felt his tiredness in all his limbs. He was tired, exhausted and sleepy, but also relieved, happy and liberated. His tears had dried up. He walked forward with his head held high, deciding to hold on to the hope he had made possible. He would still miss his friend, would have to be content with the bittersweet sorrow in his chest that from now on would dwell inside him forever, but he was happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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