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Meta knight continued to follow galacta knight, which led to this big area. Galacta knight stopped in his tracks when meta knight finally caught up to him and stopped as well

Meta knight: *huff* galacta knight, where are you going

Galacta knight: Hm. I knew you'd follow me.

Meta knight: Eh.. really?

Galacta knight: You're so predictable.

Meta knight: What? of course I'd follow I wasn't just going to stand there by myself, you know

Galacta knight: Yeah yeah, whatever. Well, now that we're both over here I wanted to ask you some things, important things.

Meta knight: Oh, really? Well go ahead I don't mind.

Galacta knight: .... meta knight

Galacta knight turned around to face directly towards him and dropped his weapons beside him

Galacta knight: ...Why don't you ever want to battle me? Be honest.

Meta knight: Oh... um.. well...

Galacta knight: Every time I ask if you want to do it you always make up some stupid excuse. And even if we do fight it seems like you never try. Which is weird, because when we did it around the time you re-released me you gave it your all. So I'd like to know why you're doing this now.

Meta knight: Well... I... uh..

Galacta knight: I think I already know why, but I
want to hear it from you.

Meta knight: ....................uh...

Galacta knight: ....

Meta knight: well... it's........ it's because... I-I'm tired! I get exhausted because of the things I do back in dreamland and I just!-

Galacta knight: The truth, meta knight.

Meta knight: ..... *sigh*.. it's because... I'm scared of hurting you.... like, what I mean is... I don't want to hurt you like.. real bad because I'm pretty strong and well.. I know you used to be the strongest warrior and all but.. well.. it's just..

Galacta knight: ........

Meta knight: ... I just can't bring myself to hurt you. I'm sorry, I cannot tell you why

Galacta knight: Yeah, I knew it.

Meta knight: ..

Meta knight felt a bit awkward, and a little guilty. He was about to explain himself further but before he could open his mouth galacta knight turned around, looked at meta knight and quickly said

Galacta knight: That brings us to this question.

Galacta knight: Meta knight....... why do you care for me?

Meta knight: ....Huh? ..What do you mean?

Galacta knight: I don't understand you. You have many friends... many of those idiots down there that like you, look up to you. You have a crew and goddamn ship and you have many things going for you. Yet you still chose to hang with me. A person that's destroyed anything they've touched. They sealed me away because of this. Do you know how many people I've hurt? Families, homes... most likely destroyed because of me. I don't understand how you could still want to keep this up even after all that. If I were you, I would've been smart and stopped a long time ago.

The greatest warrior ✩ a metagala fanfic ✩Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora