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It was the middle of the night, everyone in dreamland has now been asleep by then. Except for one, meta knight. He was looking out his window with his caped rapped around him staring into the stars, thinking to himself

Meta knight: (weeks have passed now, and I think I still may have a crush on him... nothing has changed. It seems like the more I'm with him, the bigger it gets. What was it that captain vul said... it depends on how much you like the person.... huh.. I must really love galacta knight then. I would've never thought the first person I'd love would be a guy, let alone him. Well I guess there's no point in denying it further. I just hope this doesn't get in the way of... what we're doing. Even though my chances of actually being with him are low, I'd still like to hang with him.)

Meta knight got on his bed and was about to head to sleep with his pink sheet. But before meta knight could close his eyes he heard a couple of knocks on the door, by a couple I mean 15. They repeatedly kept knocking.

Meta knight: ???? Who's up THIS late at night? Ugh...

Meta knight got up to see who was knocking. He gently opened the door... and it was kirby with his night cap on and a blanket

Meta knight: ugh.. kirby. How many times do i have to tell you this, KNOCK. TWICE.

Kirby: sorry....

Meta knight: Why are you up this late at night

Kirby: I couldn't sleep.... I wanna be next to someone, if that's okay....

Meta knight: Not this again..

Kirby: It's fine if you don't want to meta.... I don't want to annoy you like I always do.

Meta knight: .... Fine. You can come in.

Kirby excitedly grabbed his blanket and dashed into meta knights home

Meta knight: Slow down kirby!! Sigh..

Meta knight shut the door behind him and went to go see kirby. They both sat down at the middle of a fire place and sat next to each other, kirby had his blanket wrapped around him and meta knight decided to read him a book to help him go to sleep faster

Meta knight: And that's how the scarfy exploded of arachnophobia and died, leaving the land of insects all around to be safe. The end.

Kirby: That was a nice story meta....

Kirby let out a big yawn, he was just about ready to go to sleep slowly shutting his eyes, while meta knight was just sitting there, staring into the distance until he finally decided to ask kirby a question

Meta knight: Kirby....

Kirby: ...?

Meta knight: You wouldn't think of me any differently if I liked someone... right?

Kirby: *yawn* of course not! You'll always be the coolest person I know! I wouldn't care who you liked, even though you're a jerk sometimes..

Meta knight: Aww..

Meta knights eyes turned blue, Kirby then fully closed his eyes and was almost about to sleep. Meta knight then started thinking about the times that he countlessly left kirby alone, and started to feel bad. So before kirby could go to sleep, he told him this

Meta knight: Kirby.. I don't think I've ever properly apologized for this, but.. I'm truly sorry for neglecting you. no matter where I go off to or no matter how much you annoy me, I would never abandon you. You're my student, after all, and I'll always be there to help you even if it may not seem like most of the time. Don't ever think I will leave you alone.

The greatest warrior ✩ a metagala fanfic ✩Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt