It was 8:00pm in the afternoon. Someone was following me and my family in the car, so we decided it wouod be better to call the cops so we did and after a while they arrived. We were still trying to loose the car in traffic. It was like a scene from Tom and Jerry. The cops told us to stop and so did the car behind us. As soon as my dad pulled over we all got out of the car except my brother Felix and my mom. And suddenly,without warning, BOOM everything went orange.

The guys had thrown a bomb at our car. Me,Ryujin,wooyoung and my dad were able to run away but sadly........Felix and my mom got trapped under the seatbelts and weren't able to escape in time.......the last thing I remember they said was 'GO LIVE,RUN,WE LOVE YOU'. I obviously didn't listen I couldn't just let them burn in front of my eyes I tried running to help them but my dad and wooyoung held me tightly so I couldn't run towards the fire. Ryujin was crying and tried not to look. I remember my mom screaming as the fire attacked,and Felix screaming 'sarangaheeeee'. It was the worst day of my life.

But here's the thing the cops had called the fire department. But we were asked to go home cz it wasn't safe. So the real answer here will be.....I don't know if my brother and mother are alive or not...... I've been feeling very sick these days and it's been about 3 weeks since the accident....and we still haven't found my mom or brother.... yoongi and my other friends came to visit me and the rest of my family everyday...they try to make me forget about what happened. I can't say that it works every time but they definitely make me feel better and they make me happier but then it hits me again....Felix was my best friend. It wasn't just a sibling relationship,we were inseparable.

I mean....of course it is like that with wooyoung and ryujin but with Felix? It feels truly feels like we are inseparable,like nothing can stand in our way, and no matter how many people try and convince me to hate him,it'll never work. We fight together,laugh,cry have fun together. When we are mad at each other or when we are in a doesn't last long anyway. We start arguing but the next couple minutes we would be laughing with each other like there is no tomorrow. We had the strongest bonds. Sometimes we can be very dumb......and that's why we are used to being called 'dumb and dumber' but out of these moments is what makes a relationship special.

What makes you value that person even more. We might have dumb moments but in those times,we laugh alot. We are each other's light in the darkness,and each other's guide in life. Nothing defines and forms us more powerfully then our relationships with our brothers and sisters. When we have a sibling, we know that we are not alone. Even tho I am the older brother,Felix acts like an older brother sometimes. And trust me he plays that role really well! He is responsible,and he knows how to take care of others. He is willing to put anyone before him any day anytime. He is practically my inseparable twin. He is just a ball of happiness and a cuddle machine!! I miss the way he comes to my room jumps on my bed and asks for cuddles😭 he might be your friend one second but dare to do anything to his friends or family then you're his worst enemy the next. He is super caring and warm hearted....but behind those closed doors,he suffers sometimes and he has alot of hard times. Many girls rejected him in the past as "he is too nice with other girls" and "he is too smiley and outgoing with other people". Basically because they are jealous and are now missing out.

On the other hand like a month before the accident...they realised they have missed out and are now able to see the other sides of him,they now want to be with him and for what? Because he is handsome now and he is the top student in class. but as an older brother, i knew if he accepted any of them they are just gonna use him and then dump him after they graduate so I adviced him to not get with any of them as I don't wanna see him heartbroken again. That was one of the worst phases I had ever gone through.... seeing him helpless,baffled,heartbroken,sad,depressed,and unlucky broke my heart. I can't see him like that and be like 'oh cool' I stayed with him everyday till he got through that phase and got over his emotions. Did he still get upset sometimes? Yes but he got quite good at forgetting about it. Wooyoung and ryujin were also there helping me comfort him.

Now let's talk about my mom. Not gonna lie we didnt have the strongest bond,she'd get upset at me all the time and I don't know the reason for that😔 I have to admit it too but sometimes I'd raise my voice at her which I know is wrong...but you just can't control your anger sometimes. There was this one time I had my friends over and out of nowhere she comes in my room and screams at me telling me to get the groceries from the car,which embarrassed me in front of my friends.

Luckily wooyoung and ryujin were kind and understanding enough to get my mom out of my room and go get the groceries themselves. I'm not allowed to stay in my room all day except if I have friends or one of my siblings with me in there cz she doesnt trust me alone. Like what kind of none sense is that? I'm old enough to be alone! But she says 'im always up to no good' so I'm not allowed to close or lock the door of my room. Which is very annoying and ridiculous if you ask me. Like how am I supposed to change with the door wide open? Butttt wooyoung's room is right next to mine so when I need some privacy that I don't get in my room he lets me go in his room and ryujin and Felix will make a distraction so that my mom doesnt find out. But after all the love outweighs the hatred so even after all of that she is still my mom and I love her.

End of chapter 1

1202 words. That's it for this chapter!! Hope you liked it! This is the first time I write anything like this so sorry if it isn't good I'm not that experienced in writing.....anyway what do you think so far!!?! Vote if you liked it! See you in the next chapter!

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