“Actually, it’s the opposite. We aren’t murdering someone. We’ve created someone…..” Ew that sounded awful. He doesn’t get it as indicated by his confused face. I don’t blame him.

“I’m pregnant,” I explain.

“Oh. MY. GOD!” His hands smack the comforter before he start laughing. “This is incredible! How’d that happen?”

“You asked to kiss me the first time and then you asked to do this too. Baby’s don’t drop out of the sky Ayaan,” I chuckle.

“No I meant that it’s a surprise but I’m really happy. We should celebrate! Let’s go out for ice cream,” he suggests excitedly, jumping off the bed.

“Ayaan it’s November. And just sit down for one second, I have something to say,” I reach out for him. He stops flailing and sits on the bed. He pulls me into his arms and plays habitually with my hair.

“What’s up?”

“You’re happy and I’m happy too. But Ayaan, you’re just starting your job now and I’m going to be doing a PhD. Are we really ready for this?” I whisper nervously despite the joy dancing in the bathroom earlier.

“Of course we are. And even if we aren’t, it’s okay. I don’t think any first-time parents at 23 are actually ready. But I love you and we are going to be awesome. I’ll make a brilliant dad,” he grins.

His confidence is reassuring to say the least.

“I love you too,” I grin up at him.

4 Years Later

So it's gonna be forever, or it's gonna go down in flames

You can tell me when it's over, if the high was worth the pain

Got a long list of ex-lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane

'Cause you know I love the players, and you love the game!

“Ayaan, you gotta stop mate,” I chuckle, watching him swing our daughter around our room like a bird.

“I’m just trying to make her a hipster before she finishes kindergarten,” he teases.

“That’s great. And here I was hoping I could make a brain surgeon out of her. Guess we’ll have to wait till Burberry starts making scrubs,” I deadpan. “Time for your bath babe,” I take my girl from him and make my way to the bathroom.

“Mama, can I go to Maysa’s house?” she asks me as I set her in the bathtub.

“Sure babes, after school. Speaking of which, are you tired?” I ask with a sigh.

“Nope,” she shakes her head. She had a habit of waking up early with Ayaan. I didn’t have school today, where I was a junior assistant professor so Ayaan was taking a half-day. We were having dinner tonight with Zayed.

“What would you like to wear?” I ask her once we’re in her closet. She picks out a dress for the beautiful April morning and I find her a cardigan and some leggings to go with it.

“Mummy,” she asks in her quiet, introspective voice. “When can I wear one too?” she asks, pointing to the pile of hijabs I forgot in her room when folding laundry last night.

She was way to smart for her age. And quiet. Much like her parents. She enjoyed photography, something she undeniably picked up from Ayaan. We’d gotten her a kid’s camera for her birthday this year.

She also liked science as indicated from her preschool mother’s day and father’s day cards.

“One day babe. One day when you are ready and you understand, you can wear one,” I smile, tying her hair up.

She nods thoughtfully before walking over to her backpack. I look towards the clock on the wall to see only 12 minutes left till school starts. Her school was down the street so thankfully it was never a problem getting her there.

“Ayaan, will you drop her on your way?” I yell downstairs. He shouts back a mumbled yes and I kiss my daughter goodbye before watching her meet Ayaan at the door. I wave as they leave and quickly hop in the shower.

I had a pile of essays lying around and I wanted to desperately get through a few.

I step out of the shower and grab my lotion as I leave the bathroom. Ayaan startles me when he walks into the room.

“Um, slow day at work?” I raise an eyebrow. He laughs, harder than he should have at my lame joke and lays down.

“Told the brother-in-law I had a doctor’s appointment,” he shrugs.


“Let’s go on a date. How does lunch in the park sound?” he wiggles his eyebrows excitedly.

“I’ll be ready in 15,” I wink, waltzing into our big closet.

Baby number two on the way, our jobs settling down smoothly… it’s true what they say. God gives us everything in due time.

All the downs were matched with greater highs. We just had to wait out the storms.

“Let’s get some gajar ka halwa?” he peeks his face into the closet.

“I was gonna make some today,” I cross my arms over my chest.

“So I was thinking, why don’t we stay home and enjoy our day off here,” he walks over to me, setting his hands on my shoulders.

“You’re such a tool,” I shake my head. “Go peel the carrots,” I push him out the door. He grins widely, giving me a kiss before heading downstairs.

Thanks again lovelies! You guys are everything xx 

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