The Croods-Chapter 1

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Vanessa's pov

With every sun comes a new day. A new beginning. A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday.

But not for me, well not anymore.

My name is Vanessa Ava and this is my adoptive family, The Croods. As you can see from the animal prints and sloping foreheads, we are cavemen and cavewomen. Well I don't have a sloppy foregead but oh well.

It was devastating when my parents died saving me, I ended up wandered around aimlessly for a while.

During the Croods hunts they found me, at first they weren't sure about me because I was something 'new', but Ugga, Eep and Gran convinced Grug otherwise. After they heard my story, I join their cycle of being in the cave night after night, day after day.

During this time, they thought I was dirty because of my complexion, Ugga would kind of clean my face till I explained I was born this way. Which they understood.

Now we spend our days in the cave, in the dark.

Home sweet home.

It was weird, I felt trapped but this was my new family, I missed the adventures I had with mine but it's over, for now.

The times when we did go out, we struggled for food in the harsh hostile world. I manage to get fruit, hpwever I had to do it in secret just between me and Eep since Grug's rules banned them. The first time I offered them fruit, he smacked it out of my hand and said it was against the rules and "we'll die from eating it" so I never did offer anything new in front of them again.

Well Eep and I struggled to survive this family.

The Croods were the last ones to survive from what I've been told. They used to have neighbours.

The Gorts, that were smashed by a mammoth.

The Horks were swallowed by a sand snake.

The Erfs, died from mosquito bites.

Throgs, common cold.

And, the Croods. That's them. They made it... because of Grug.

He was strong....and followed the rules, the ones painted on the cave walls.

Anything new is bad, curiosity is bad, going out at night is bad. Basically, anything fun is bad.

Welcome to my world.

But this story is how all that changed in an instant because we didn't know that our world was about to come to an end. There were no rules on our cave walls to prepare us for that.


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