I messed up . . .

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Hunter's POV

It's official, I messed up. Big time. This time nothing will save me. No matter how many times I apologize, it won't be enough. How do I know this? Well let me take you back to a story my mom always told us:

11 Years Ago

"We have new neighbours!" mom shouted after she and Alexa entered the house. "Really?" I piped up, "Do they have kids our age?" "Well they only have a daughter, about your age. Why don't you go introduce yourself son?"

I really didn't want to, but I wanted to please my mom. I went outside to see a curly haired girl walking around with a yellow jumpsuit. She was pulling a cart with some of her toys. She walked up to me and confidently stuck out her hand "Hi, I'm Leilani, but you can call me Lani." She smiled a big dimpled smile, it was then that I knew she would mean the world to me someday.

Present Day

She had always ben feisty in everything she had done. Always so determined, but when she walked past me now i saw a defeated girl. I saw pain. Pain that I caused and I hated myself for that.

As I watched her get in her car and drive away I felt regret.

Regret for what I had said. Regret for not protecting her. Regret for not having more control.

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