The Start

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Lani knew something was up. She knew that they had changed. She sensed it the moment they both applied to be part of the student council.

Hunter had changed. Or had she? She couldn't tell the difference anymore. The years between throwing Alexa and her then boyfriend with water balloons, had brought about many minuscule changes, that can only be noticed now.

Hunter had always been the one all the girls swooned over. Lani was always the best friend. They even had a pact that all potential partners needed to be given the okay. They were young and naive, more importantly, they never, ever thought to develops feelings for each other.

Lani was the good girl, the nerd, the jock and potential leader. Most likely to succeed in her class in whatever she attempted. She got attention from all the boys, except the one she really only ever wanted. Hunter.

Hunter was the quintessential heartthrob, leaving broken hearts in his wake. Never fully committed to any one girl, except her. His best friend Lani. He could tell her everything. Except that he only wanted one girl, her.

If only...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ