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I haven't contacted Gramps this whole week because I thought that if I did, I would've ruined his and Legoshi's plans or whatever. It was now Saturday morning, and I had just woken up.

I was eager to know what Gramps had to say about Legoshi's sudden return. It was weird. Last night I came pretty late, so, we both went straight to bed after a small chat.

I walked out of my room and headed straight to the bathroom to clean myself up before getting everything ready for today.

Then, I headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast. As I quickly shuffled through the drawers and shelves to find a bowl, the perfect size for some rice and other ingediants for onigiri, I heard my phone start to buzz.

I picked up my phone after placing the bowl on the counter and pushed the accept button without checking the callers ID.

"Hello?" I greeted as I looked through more drawers to find a knife.

"Good morning." Said Melon. A smile appeared on my face as I said, "Good morning, Melon. How are you? You're up early."

"Yeah. I'm good. How are you?" He asked back. In the meantime, I opened the rice cooker to see how much rice there was, and just as expected, there was barely any.

"I'm great. I just woke up half an hour ago. How'd you sleep?" I said as I pressed the phone between my ear and shouler, before taking out the rice bowl and transferring the rice into the bowl I took out a minute ago.

"I slept well. How about you? Why're you up so early?" Melon asked. I thought about the answer.

I trusted Melon enough to tell him about Legoshi.

An unintentional, nervous chuckle escaped my lips as I said, "Well, Legoshi contacted me this week for the first time in a while, and I was meaning to ask Gramps about it since we haven't really had the chance to talk about it yesterday. Also what's your favorite color? And what food looks most appealing to you?" I finished, completely changing the topic at the end.

I heard a light chuckle from the other side and a pout appeared on my lips as I started pouring some rice into the rice cooker. "What's so funny." I sternly asked.

"It's nothing." He said with a short pause following after. "My favorite color... I don't really have one. Pink? I like bonito flakes. They look funny."

My jaw dropped when I heard his answers. Pink and bonito flakes? I tried containing my laughter as I said, "That's surprisingly adorable. I didn't think you'd like pink. But if you ever get to taste anything, bonito flakes should be something to try out. They taste good with a lot of foods."

"I'll be looking forward to it. Also, pink is a cute color. You can't judge me. What's your favorite color?" He responded wryly. I walked over to the filtered water on the counter and slowly poured in the water into the rice bowl and said, "I really like banana yellow. And pastel blue. They're gentle aren't they?"

"Banana pink... is that why you wear that dress so often?" He asked after a second or two of thinking.

"Did you just say banana pink..?!" I teased as I quickly laughed quietly to myself, trying not to make too much noise and wake Gramps up.

"Ignore that. What time should we meet up and where?" Melon said, trying to change the topic. He sounded a bit frustrated over something.

"How about the Mellow Park at 1." I offered to which Melon hummed in agreement. "I'll be there then. Don't miss me too much." He teased, and I rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah yeah, don't worry about that. See you later then."

He said his farewells as well before hanging up. I placed the phone down on the counter before resuming what I was doing.

"Bonito flakes... cute." I mumbled to myself, with a small chuckle after the last word.


I put the rice bowl, with the raw rice, into the rice cooker before closing up the lid and turning it on by pressing the start button. The rice cooker said a few things before starting to cook the rice.

"I'll need to ask him about why he sounded so frustrated later..." I told myself before starting to look for some carrots.

"Good morning, Y/n." A tired voice called out from the hallway. I turned around and saw Gramps walking into the dining room while rubbing his eyes. A yawn escaped his lips before he said, "You're up early. Did anything happen?"

I shook my head and gave him a warm smile before saying, "Good morning, and also nope, I'm just going on a date." with a wink. His eyes widened and he quickly walked over to the counter as I pulled out a cutting board.

"You have a boyfriend!?" He exclaimed. I didn't respond to it, secretly wanting to see the rest of his reaction.

"I mean I'm happy for you, but is he making you happy? Also, who is this man? Is he a horse? What's his name? How old is he?" Gramps stopped when a chuckle escaped my lips and I said, "Don't worry, he's just a friend. I don't have a significant other." with yet again, another warm smile.

The amount of relief that washed over Gramps' face was surprising. I could hear an almost inaudible "thank goodness." at the end as well.

Then I remembered Legoshi and all about him dropping out, so I decided to ask. "Gramps." I started as he took a seat on a chair. "D-Did Legoshi contact you?"

He rubbed his chin, recollecting his thoughts before saying, "Well, it was quite a surprise when he did. We're actually planning to meet up today in the afternoon. You don't mind right?"

I nodded and asked, "What do you think of this.. situation?"

A heartful chuckle filled my ears as he said, "Of course I'm glad he called. I haven't heard his voice in so long. I really missed him."

I nodded to myself as I started cutting the carrots after giving them a rinse. "And that's it?" I questioned.

"There's nothing more or less I think of it. Legoshi is my grandson and I love him dearly, just as much as I love you. Also! What are you making and tell me more about your date." He said completely changing the topic at the end.

A blush tinted my cheeks as I started telling him a bit about Melon.

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