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The waitress brought my and Melon's coffee on a tray, neatly displaying them in front of us.

"I'll bring the croissants in a bit." She said, wrapping her arms around the tray before leaving.

I looked at the heart drawn on the latte, admiring the same beauty I saw each time I came here. Then I turned to Melon and his coffee. He was staring at the heart and grabbed the mug, taking a long sip.

I looked at mine and took a small sip, but retracted my lips from the mug when I realized how hot it was. I squinted my eyes trying to relieve the pain as I took breaths in and out trying to cool down my tongue.

"Isn't it too hot for you?" I exclaimed. He shook his head and said, "Mine seems fine." I looked at his coffee which was steaming, but I ignored that fact, not wanting to make an unnecessary commotion out of it.

"So," I started, "I'm not sure if you feel comfortable answering this, but do you fear carnivores, or do you have a carnivores' instinct to kill herbivores?"

Melon seemed deep in thought, trying to find an answer to my question. "But don't feel pressured to answer. I was just curious." I reminded.

"I'm afraid of carnivores as much as you are." He said with a smile, taking another long sip of his coffee.

A sigh escaped my lips as I looked at him, and after he put down the mug I said, "Show me your tongue."

He didn't hesitate for a second.

My eyes widened in shock when I saw the burns on his tongue and I said, "Melon! What are you doing!" pulling the mug away from him.

"Is something wrong?" He asked innocently.

"Don't act like you don't know." I scolded, looking for a waitress.

"I didn't want to worry you." He said, completely unbothered by the situation. I called over a waitress, completely ignoring Melon's comment and said, "Can you get us the receipt, and I'd like my croissants to be packed in a take out box."

I was mad, but at the same time very worried for Melon. He seemed so unbothered by the situation, it scared me. I started thinking, 'What if he always gets hurt and never tells me.'

"I'm taking you to the hospital, and we're going to get your tongue checked." I said, pulling out my money. Melon reached for his pocket and pulled out some money placing it on the table but I said, "Nope! I'm paying for this, save that money for the medicine."

He sighed, placing the money back into his pocket before saying, "You know that it doesn't hurt. You're overreacting." He stuck out his tongue, poking the surface with his nails.

"I know that it hurts. Don't hide it from me." I said, waiting impatiently for the receipt.

Tears of frustration and worry started swelling up in my eyes. I tried hiding them by wiping them away with my sleeve, but Melon seemed to have noticed and he stood up, walking over to me and taking a seat next to me.

I turned away and he grabbed one of my hands and said, "Don't waste your tears on me."

I turned to him and said, "Then don't do dumb things like this. I don't care if you're a hybrid. You're still like anyone else here. You're special."

He chuckled and said, "Stop crying." in his sweetest voice. I nodded, sniffing back my tears and said, "Then don't be an idiot."

He nodded and the waitress came with my take out croissant and the receipt. I looked at the total cost of everything and put that exact amount on the paper and put the rest of my money back in my purse.

Melon got up and I did the same, grabbing my purse and Melon's hand. Melon grabbed my box of croissants before saying goodbye to the waitress and leaving the cafe.

We walked down the streets heading to the nearest clinic, where we got Melon's tongue checked out.

The doctor made Melon drink and rinse his mouth with cold water a few times, then Melon spent at least a few minutes sucking on an ice chip, to soothe the pain. After that he rinsed his mouth again, but this time with cool salt water. When he finished rinsing his mouth with the salt water, the doctors gave him Advil for the pain and inflammation.

"He'll be fine. If anything happens, for example swelling, or redness in his tongue, then bring him back here." The doctor informed me. I sighed, almost completely relieved but then remembered that he could still get worse.

"Could you write down the symptoms?" I asked. The doctor nodded, pulling out a piece of paper, and pen, writing down a few things.

He handed the paper to me and said, "It's unlikely that his condition will worsen, but we can never be too sure." I nodded agreeing with his statement, before he led me and Melon out of his office.

I read through the paper and said, "Do you mind if I come over to your place?" He shook his head and said, "I moved out a while ago so I don't exactly have a place."

I shook my head in disbelief and said, "Why don't you tell me these things?" I never knew that he would be so much trouble. Obviously I was never assigned to take care of him, but I deeply cared for him and wanted to help.

"I don't find the necessity of doing so." He said, placing his hands in his pocket.

"Next week." I said seriously, stopping in my tracks. "Next week. You're coming over to my place. Well not my place, my Grandfather's place, but still. We'll have you over for dinner. On Saturday and you can't say no."

He swayed his head from side to side, and said, "That's if I'm free. I'll consider it."

I shook my head, grabbing his shoulders and said, "You're coming. I don't care if you have plans set for that day, but you're coming over and I'll plan out the next day."

He nodded and I smiled at him. For the first time he agreed to come over.

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