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After school, I headed straight home to finish my assignments. I had exams coming up in a week so I had to be prepared.

While I was going over my notes, my phone started ringing, and I groaned when I looked the callers ID. Unknown.

I picked up and put the phone next to my ear, only to hear nothing.

"Hello?" I asked, a bit concerned. A sigh entered my ears and right afterwards I heard a very familiar voice.

"H-Hey." I jumped off my chair in shock. Out of all things i was expecting, this voice wasn't that one.I was mad, shocked, surprised and happy when I heard it.

"Legoshi!?" I exclaimed into the phone.

"Hey.. Y/n." Legoshi awkwardly stuttered out. I walked around my room in frustration and joy as I asked, "How have things been for you? Where did you disappear to?"

"I... I'm sorry that I haven't reached out to you and Grampa. How are you guys doing?" He asked hesitantly. A heard whispers who, I assumed belonged to Jack. It saddened me that he called only because Jack forced him to.

"Legoshi..." I started, "give Gramps a call. Tell me how are things going for you?"

"Everythings good here. I need to tell you something."

I nodded to myself waiting for whatever he had to say.

"I um... I dropped out a few days ago..."

"You what!? And? Did you tell Gramps?!" I couldnt believe my ears. I felt my heart drop at his words. He dropped out?

"The school informed him."

I shook my head and rubbed the bridge of my nose in frustration and I said, "Did you give him a call?"

I heard an awkward and quiet groan from the other side and I sighed out loud and said, "Legoshi. Listen, you're coming home on the weekends. And I don't care what you have to say about it."

I didn't get an answer, and after a couple seconds I said, "Understood?"

"Understood..." Legoshi said quietly. I nodded to myself and said, "Call Gramps right now. This instant. I have to go now. See you this Saturday." and with that, I hung up. I couldn't bare to talk to him at the moment.

He didn't even contact Gramps. Sure maybe he didn't like me, although he didn't act like it, but Gosha was blood related. I ran my fingers through my mane as I sat down on my bed thinking about what to do.

I did think about cancelling the dinner with Melon. Would Legoshi stay over the night? Where would he live? I could stay at a condo and give my room up to Legoshi. Wait why would I need to do that? I literally have a place...

There was so much on my mind and I felt like venting it to someone. I didn't think Jez and I were on a personal level yet, although the other day when she talked about meat, it was quite deep and personal.

I had a problem with sharing, because when I did share, I either shared too much or shared too little, over minimizing the situation. Legoshi was such a cute guy when he was younger.

I picked up my phone and purse, and headed out of my room. Jez was in her room, probably doing her work. I headed to the door and put on my jacket and shoes, leaving the apartment, locking the door behind.

I needed some air, and time to process my thoughts, as well as calm down.

There was really nothing I was planning on doing. Just walking around. It wasn't dark yet. I checked my phone and saw that it was only 5:47 pm.

'I miss Legoshi...' I thought to myself as I continued walking.

Then, I decided to give Gramps a call. All I did was text him everyday but I never got the chance to actually call him, so I picked up my phone and looked through my contacts until I found it.

My thumb hovered over the call botton but for some reason I was hesitant. What was I going to say either way? Maybe I should just leave it up to he two? I'm not really blood related, it's a family matter between the two after all.

So at the end, I decided not to call anyone. It was chilly outside as well. A sigh escaped my lips as I thought about situation. Maybe I should cancel the dinner with Melon? That'd be the best thing for now. We could talk things out with Legoshi.

Then, a thought struck my head like a train. I'll eat out with Melon while Legoshi and gramps sort things out with each other. That'd be perfect, those two will have time to spend time with each other, while I spend time with Melon.

I turned my phone and started looking through my contact lists again, until i spotted his name. Melon.

It didn't take me any seconds to reconsider. I just pressed the call button and waited.

The phone rang for a while until it beeped, signifying that he picked up.

"Good evening Melon." I greeted with a smile as I walked over to a bench to take a seat.

"Evening. How's everything going?" He asked.

"Good! And you?" I asked back in return, happy that I'm hear in his voice.

"Good. I'm a bit busy right now. Is there a reason you called?" Melon asked. A bit disappointed, I quickly got to the point.

"About dinner. I'll still make the food, but I don't think we'll be able to use Gramps' place, my brothers coming over, and I don't wanna interrupt. So maybe... do you wanna go out for a picnic?"

It was a bit embarrassing to ask him out to go to a picnic with me. After all, it did sound romantic. A blush make its way onto my cheek and I quickly said, "But if it's too romantic for your liking it's f-fi-" but I was interrupted by a quiet groan.

Was he mad? And before I could ask, he interrupted again and said, "It's fine. I'll be there. I have to go now." And with that he hung up.

I sat there, dumbfounded by that just happened. He didn't even say bye. What even was that groan.

What a way to cool down...

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