Kurapika glanced at his cell phone. It was eight-thirty AM. They had to get going soon. Kurapika quickly folded the picnic blanket and placed it into a cloth bag along with the other things he had already packed. He made his way to Gon and Killua's room and knocked on the door.
"We need to leave soon. Are you two ready to go?"
Killua opened the door. He was dressed now, wearing a white hoodie and grey pants. His hair had been brushed, although it was still very fluffy.
"We're ready to go," he said, walking out with Gon.
"That's great, you two get in the car. Leorio and I will be there shortly," Kurapika told them.
Once Killua and Gon left, Kurapika slipped into their room. He opened Gon's side of the closet, which was quite messy. Kurapika searched through until he found a simple black hoodie. He took it with him and carefully folded it and placed it in the bag. Kurapika knew that Gon would probably get cold, even though he refused to bring a jacket. Kurapika had learned to always be prepared when it came to Gon and Killua.
Kurapika grabbed the bag and headed for the front door.
"We'll all be waiting for you in the car, Leorio," Kurapika called out to him.
"Okay, I'll be there in a minute," he called back.
Kurapika stepped outside and made his way to Leorio's car, placing the bag in the trunk of the car before getting in the passenger seat. It was a chilly morning, Kurapika looked up at the sky. The sky was pretty grey, but the sun still shone through the clouds a little.
Kurapika got into the passenger seat and looked back at Gon and Killua. Killua was looking out the window and Gon seemed to be watching Killua. Just then, Leorio got into the car.
"Alrighty, is everyone ready to go?" Leorio asked enthusiastically.
"Yeah!" Gon cheered. Killua smiled and nodded.
Leorio backed out of the gravel "driveway," (if you could even call it that, they didn't exactly have a driveway) slowly leaving their property.
Leorio was the only one who could drive, so almost every weekend he took Kurapika, Killua, and Gon somewhere fun. Kurapika didn't mind that he didn't have his license. It just meant that when he had to do grocery runs without Leorio he had to take the train... and Gon and Killua. Kurapika left Gon and Killua home alone once while getting groceries and came home to a wrecked house. Gon and Killua couldn't do anything unsupervised.
Kurapika smiled and looked out the window as they passed trees and houses.

. . .

Gon peered out the window, watching the other cars slowly pass by. They were stuck in traffic now that they were in the city. Gon wondered why it was so busy, it was Saturday so most people weren't at work. Kurapika and Leorio talked quietly in the front of the car. Gon and Killua had sat in silence the whole time, and Gon knew that Killua was probably tired. Gon sighed. As he did, his breath fogged up the cold window. He backed up a little, examining the window. He smiled, and breathed on the window again, making a small cloud of fog on the window. He used his finger to draw a small heart in the condensation.
    "Killua, look at this," Gon said, leaning back so Killua could see his window.
    "Hm?" Killua turned his head to look. He smiled a little, and turned back to his own window, breathing on it, then dragging his finger through it. He giggled a little in amusement.
Gon continued to draw on the fogged-up window.
"Killua," Gon said through laughter, "it's you." He pointed at the drawing he made on the glass. Killua leaned over in an attempt to see.
"I can't see because your fat head is in the way!" Killua complained, trying to push Gon away.
"Hey!" Gon said, pulling Killuas wrist away.
"Gon, let go, I'm just trying to see!"
"Quit it you two," Kurapika said from the passenger seat. The two boys stopped.
"Lemme see," Killua said, unbuckling himself. He crawled over closer to Gon to see his window. A cat face was drawn in the fog.
"See? It's you," Gon said.
Killua laughed, "Why does it look like that?"
"What do you mean?" Gon said, almost sadly.
"I can draw a cat better," Killua said, scooting back over to his side to draw a cat. Gon unbuckled himself and crawled over to watch Killua draw. "See?" Killua said as he finished his illustration.
"Oh, yeah! You are good at drawing cats," Gon said, awing at the simple drawing.
"Yeah, your cat sucked," Killua said smugly, crossing his arms.
"Hey! My cat is good too," Gon defended.
Killua smirked and crawled over to Gon's side, reaching over to smudge Gon's drawing with his fingers. He cackled and leaned backward, laying down in the seat.
"Killuaaa!" Gon whined. Kurapika peered back at Killua and Gon.
"Hey, buckle your seatbelts!" he said sternly.
"Sorry," Gon and Killua said in unison, quickly buckling themselves back into their seat belts.
Gon stared out the window again. He gazed at all the large buildings and watched people walking by. He recognized this area, this is where Killua and Gon went grocery shopping with Kurapika. He knew that meant they were almost to the grocery store.

Picnic / Hunter x Hunter One Shot / Family AU Where stories live. Discover now