••☆ Chapter 25: "Awful Regret" (Part1) ☆••

Start from the beginning

For a moment, Dylan stayed quiet. Too many thoughts rumbled inside his head. His regrets from what he had done were still there, but at that time, something else pestered his mind. He knew he was still deeply in love with her, but questions and doubts about himself began to distract his feelings.

"Bridgette, take me to my room." he commanded.

She followed and assisted him back to his room. Inside, he sat on the floor by his bed. There, he recalled all the times he had hurt the person he claimed he truly loves. There, he realized how terrible he was as a man for her.

"What am I doing? ...Why am I like this?" he asked himself. He cowered and buried his face under his palms succumbing to his own foolishness.

Then suddenly, his chest tightened. He felt very scared thinking about losing someone very important to him. He quickly got up and darted back to the door. He opened it and called out a maid.

Bridgette came right away. "Sir?"

"Get me a cab now. Hurry up." he told her.

"What's going on?" Serena asked. She was about to leave the house when she heard his voice.

"Go home" he told her.

"Do you need a ride? I can drive you." she offered, trying to make it up to him.

"No, thank you" he answered coldly.

"Dylan, I know I did a terrible mistake, but let me prove to you I didn't do that on purpose... You want to see Rose? Come on, I'll take you to her now." she told him.

Although he was still mad at her, he later agreed because he really wanted to see Rose as soon as possible.

Serena drove him to Max's apartment. When they arrived, she parked her car in front of the building. "We're here."

"Take me to his room. Third floor, room 34" he told her.

With a heavy heart, she did what he said. She got out of her car and assisted him on the stairs. When they reached the third floor, she stopped.

"What? Why did we stop?" Dylan asked.

"Max is here." she told him in a low and tense voice. "He's in front of us looking at you." she added.

After he heard that, he swallowed an air. "Where is she?" he asked, trying to control his shaky voice.

"I told you she's fine with me. You shouldn't have come here." Max answered in a calm, but serious tone.

Dylan let go of Serena's hand. "I need to talk to her." he said.

Max approached him and grabbed him by the coat with his both hands aggressively.

Serena got scared. She stepped back.

"You know what I think of you right now? ...You're shameless. You still have the face to show up here and see her after what you did." he told him, seething with anger.

"Let me talk to her." he insisted.

Max scoffed, then he pushed him against the wall.

"Oh my god" Serena reacted.

"Last night, you let her go out alone in the cold. She was crying when she called me, and you know what else? ...Her surgery bled because of whatever you did to her!" Max fumed. "Now, you're telling me you want to talk to her? Tell me, Dylan... How many more times you want her to put up with you every time you get caught up in your crap?" he asked furiously.

Dylan ignored him. "Rose! Rose!"

Max lost his temper. He raised his fist and punched him in the face. He fell and stumbled on the floor.

"Hey!" Serena yelled. She quickly grabbed Dylan's arm and helped him stand.

Some curious tenants in the building went to their scene after they heard their commotion. From the murmuring noises coming from them, a familiar voice came out.

"Max? What's happe..." Rose froze up when she saw Dylan with Serena.

"Rose? ....Rose, please let's talk. Let me explain." Dylan pleaded when he heard her voice.

Rose saw his lower lip was bleeding. Then, she looked at Max. He was looking back at her catching his breath.

"Sorry, but I can't forgive him this time." he told her.

"Rose, please... Please, let's talk." Dylan pleaded again.

Seeing the begging look on his face, Rose knew she couldn't ignore him in that state. "He's right. We need to talk this out." she told Max heavily.

He already expected she would say that. Although he was still mad, he humbled himself. "Fine... Do it in my room." he said, looking at the people watching them.

Serena assisted Dylan to the room. Rose was already there with Max.

"Listen Dylan, I can forget we're friends if you tried to hurt her again." Max warned, then he walked to the door and dragged Serena with him.

"Hey, let go of me!" she reacted.

"We need to talk." he told her, forcing her out.

When Dylan heard the door shut and the room got filled with silence, his tension intensified.

"Is this about last night?" Rose asked.

After he heard her voice, he sensed the fear she had with him.

"Rose... I-I'm aware of what I did to you, and you have all the reason to get mad at me, but I only did that because I thought I was going to lose you... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Rose. You've been putting up with me since the day you met me, but I will still ask for another chance now. I don't care if you think I'm shameless or stupid... Please... Please, let me make it up to you. I promise I will fix myself. I will, just please don't leave me." he begged.

He let tears fall down from his eyes. He let his regrets show up on his face, and he let his weakness come out of him at that moment.

"Don't you think it's better... if we put an end to this messy relationship we have instead?" she asked in a low and heavy tone.

He crushed inside after he heard that from her. "No... No, don't say that. Please, don't say that." he pleaded, tracing his way towards her. When he felt her arms, he held them gently. "I can't... I love you and I'll be crazy without you." he said under his cries.

She was looking at his drenched face as he was talking. At that moment, she began to regret what she had turned him into. "Maybe... if you hadn't met me, you'd become better than this." she said in a sad voice.

"That's not true... I'm very thankful because you came into my life. I feel better and happier with you... Call me selfish or crazy all you want, but I will never give you to anyone. I will not get tired trying until you fall in love with me too." he replied eagerly.

After she heard that, she wanted to open her mouth and say what she really feels inside too, but she forced herself to hold back again.

Instead, she took a handkerchief out of her pocket and wiped his face and nose with it. "Snotty, blow your nose."

He obeyed like a tamed child.

"Before I slap you, tell me why the hell you thought I was with Max yesterday." she asked. That time, she sounded very mad.

To be continued....

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