ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ ʟɪʟᴀᴄ~3.13

Start from the beginning

The prince scoffed, "Hah. You're treating me like a thief even though I came to return it out of the kindness of my heart. That's fine, I'll give it back. Here." Leona tossed the keys across the room, not even bothering to hide the growing smirk. Azul caught the keys with shaky hands, nearly dropping them as he grasped onto the metal objects like his life depended on them.

"That's all I had to do. See ya." And as soon as he came, Leona left. A small wave of air wavered over Azul as the prince walked out, hands shoved in his pockets. The male ran over to the vault, murmured words of panic stringing from his mouth. "My-my contracts...! Are they safe??"

Locks and churns creaked from the vault as they were hastily opened. A pained groan erupted from Azul's throat as his pupils were set on the spot his bundle of contracts should have been, but they were gone, gone without a trace."

"...Gone... They're gone, gone, gone!!! They're all gone!!" The male yelled as he violently gripped his hair, a red gleam ran through his eyes as he slowly glared up the door with a crazed look. "Did that bastard...?!"

He bolted towards the door as dark matter began swirling around his head, worsening his headache, and echoey voices lingered in his mind.




Do what you must... slaughter those who get in your way

Everyone is just a barrier to force you from your real goal


Ruggie cackled as he and Leona causally walked out of Octavinelle as his hands were wrapped around a large bundle of glowing contracts. "Shishishi! We got them outta there with no issue."

The lion prince smirked at their work, "Hmph, your sticky fingers sure are impressive."

"If you don't want something to get stolen, then you should lock it in your pocket." The hyena looked down at the large pile in hand, running his hand across the sheets, "There's a crazy number of contracts here. Easily 5 or 600."

Leona softly scoffed at the number, averting his gaze towards the contracts. "Hmm. He's probably been making these shady deals since long before he came to this school. We got the contracts out of the VIP room. All that's left is..." Magic began to swirl around in the palm of his hand, the air beginning to vibrate. "I am hunger, I am thirst. I am that which steals your tomorrow..." But before Leona could perform the spell, a voice yelled out from behind them.

"Stop right there!!" It was Azul. His hair was slightly disheveled from gripping onto so hard while his eyes were filled with anger.

Leona sighed as he threw his lazy glare towards the dorm head. "...Uh oh, here already? Don't take another step closer if you care what happens to your contracts." He smirked while the concentrated magic continued to swirl.

Azul was quickly losing patients, the whispers getting louder, "Give them back... Please give them back!"

"Woah woah, at least try to keep up appearances. What happened to your mask of control? Seeing you like this proves that her little hunch was right on the money."

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