[ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ ʀᴇᴅ]~1.4

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"Yeah, you filthy whore!"

It was dead silence, so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

A few less interested eyes, now shocked stared at the scene.

They really talked like that to the only girl in the school? That's just being an ass.


A small giggle broke the uncomfortable silence, it came from the female.

" 'Filthy whore'? Is that really all you could have come up with? You know, I could've eaten a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter insult than that." Emica had a teasing smile, earning a few snorts that came from the canteen

"HUH?! NOW YOU'RE REALLY PISSING ME OFF!!" The red-haired delinquent swung a fist towards the girl.


"Do you really think a lousy punch like that could touch me?" Before everyone knew it, the male was on the ground, slightly quivering while the female looked down with an eyebrow up.

"!!! YOU!" His white-haired friend yelled, going after her himself. Big mistake.

His fist collided with what he thought was her face but instead was her palm. The ravenette grasped firmly onto his fist, twisting his arm and pushing him away. She didn't want to accidentally kill him from all the pent-up rage being constantly built. He stumbled a little, regaining his balance, and turned towards her, his teeth gritted.

Ah ah~ I'm going to have to release all this anger without killing him somehow... Aha!

Before he threw another fist, the cafeteria seemed like it was darkening, the room creaking and the temperature beginning to drop rapidly. Students began looking around, a chill running down their spines. They looked at the girl, she seemed to be emitting an almost poison-like aura. It was choking.

"What? Do you really have a death wish or something?" She snarled. Her eyes glowed dangerously.


"GO ON! We're all waiting!" Her expression turned crazed, her smile was wide, showing off her pointed canines. Her eyes were widened in amusement. 

"Y-Your insane..!" He managed to get it out of his throat, even though it felt like he couldn't breathe. 

"Hm? I'm insane you say? Hehe... YOU SURE HAVE GUTS!" The ravenette's voice turned into a slight laugh, making everyone feel uneasy. 

"You know what, since I'm feeling generous, I'll let you off with a small warning!" 

All of a sudden. Emica was right in front of the white-haired male. The last thing he saw was her deranged smile.


Everyone only saw a flash of black and white before they could fully see the scene.

The female's leg was stretched out to the white-haired male's face, her foot was centimeters away from connecting to his face.

"GEAH!" A strained cry erupted from his throat, he clung to his jaw in pain as the ravenette retracted her leg and looked darkly down on him. The choking pressure disappeared and the temperature went back to normal. Everyone let go of their breath, not even realizing they were holding it. But before they even knew it, Emica swung her foot into the man's disco stick, you could see the pain contort on literally every single person there.

No more babies for you mister

"Your jaw seems to be dislocated and your cheekbone is slightly fractured, so I'd suggest you go to the nurse to get that fixed, I hope you learned your lesson from spewing childish words." Emica sighed, slightly stretching. The two delinquents stumbled up and ran out of the cafeteria, everyone's attention on them. 

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