"No, I just thought I'd start calling you that, if that's ok."

"No its fine... I guess." I didnt really like people calling me that, she always got a free pass because it was her. But that was what my father would call me, he used it as a threat or as some kind of put down instead of using it like a name. So I didnt let people call me that, but she would use it in the exact opposite way he would, so I guess I'd let it slide.

"Are you sure? I dont want to cross any lines."

"No, Rae. It's fine. As long as no one else uses it like my father did, it's just like how your mother used your name. You know... it was like a, uh, a weapon." I kind of chuckled, manly to get rid of some of the tension but it didnt really seem to help.

"Its stupid how we think that way." She mumbled as she unplugged the bath, the 45 minutes in there must've help her a lot.

"What do you mean?" I asked sitting up on the corner. She stood up beautifully and took the towel from the rail beside her and wrapped it around herself.

"Well, my name means friend and yours means my angel, which you are." She said walking up to me and kissing my cheek.

"I am no angel." I said following her as she strutted out of the bathroom.

"In general, no. But towards me? The sweetest." She clasped her hands as she turned to face me, she held them down and cocked her head with a smile. I grabbed her waist and she stopped her silly action, I kissed her once then walked away.

"So how do you want to deal with today? Are we going to walk down there together?" I asked finding myself clothes.

"So my plan is for you to go out the window, I'll walk downstairs and Stefan will more than likely ask questions, I will answer them with lies and then you will walk in the front door. Just act normal, nonchalant." She planned as she got dressed. I chuckled at her word.

"Ok so what's the main lie?"

"I kissed you in the moment of us fighting with a silence spell on, Ben saw the long kiss and that's when I unspelled us and brought him downstairs. After he heard the laugh I told you to go home with the spell still up and took a nap."

"Perfect." I said walking back over to her fully clothed and kissed her meaningfully.

"I wish we could, just do this, all day long." She said in sections from our kissing.

"Well we could, but people would judge us." I said pulling my lips away entirely. She snuggled her head into my chest as I held her there.

I didnt understand why this aspect of things was so hard for her. I get we are immortal and I could possibly spend the rest of eternity with her, but still. She seemed to have no problem now about me holding her and kissing her, we could've had this from the beginning. But she didn't want it.

'Oh our covens' 'oh our families' 'we are natural enemies' was crap. If this is how enemies act towards each other, then I wounder why all the other people who hate me dont kiss me like she does.

"You ready to go lie?" I asked her, she groaned. "I can hold you like this tonight m'love. Promise." I whispered into her ear. That would probably be not too long from now, I mean shes had me ever since 11:30 today when Benny was napping. It was now 3:15.

She unwrapped her arms around me and I let her go. I took the spell down and went out the window as she walked out the door.

- - - - - - - - - -

I walked downstairs, tripping over my feet on every other stair. All I needed to do was sit on the couch so they wouldn't notice my weak walk.

When I got to the end, I could hear Kais heart beat at the end of the driveway, waiting for the right time to come in.

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