☻ ︎Random head canons (Part 1) ☻︎

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I just thought of these randomly and put theme here so here you go

- If you tell him he can do something this man will fucking RUN WITH IT
(Ex. - if you tell him you love his hugs he will hug you ANYTIME HE SEES YOU NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCE LIKE HE WILL TACKLE YOU)

- He is physically incapable of lying to you and if he try's it's so obvious omg

- If you're both trying to sleep late at night and he's in a hyper mood he'll start hysterical laughing at literally nothing in the dark

- He'll follow you almost EVERYWHERE bc he's so attached to you (not in a scary or creepy way lmao)

- Mans sleeps like a ROCK like the house could be burning down and he'd be like 🧏‍♂️😴

- He BEGS you to train with him and gets VERY excited when you agree

- Oh this man is dense and innocent and it's so cute oml you'll have to explain a lot to him. He's the literal definition of "He's a little confused but he's got the spirit"

- He will buy you anything he sees and thinks you'll like

- Do not under ANY circumstance give or let him have coffee or Red Bull (I feel like this one is self explanatory but the two top words coming from your mouths will be You: "GOKU NO!!!"
Goku: "GOKU YES👹" )

- He'll dance around the kitchen with you

- This man had no shame - if you wanna braid his hair he will go out in public with it braided and be proud

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