15: Mine

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You've been to more planets in the past week than you've been in the past few years. More often than not, you stay in or around the ship with the little guy while Mando goes off to do his business. One bounty, he spent a whole night away, and you ended up falling asleep in the late hours of the night from trying to soothe a very distressed little child. When he takes the kid with him, you explore outside the ship a little, and get some mechanic work done on the ship.

Currently, you're parked by a waterfall outside the main city on Naboo. It seems very rude to you for a bounty to come hide on such a peaceful planet. They should be places like Coruscant where they can blend in with the rest of the scumbags. But instead, they're hidden away in a peaceful and prosperous city. And you are very much enjoying the sound of the waterfalls and the cool, fragrant breeze.

Though you can't quite enjoy the breeze when you're tucked up under the ship, sweat beading on your brow with a rusty tasting wrench between your teeth and a large bolt in your hands. You get it in position, but before you can screw it back in, hands tug on your ankles and pull you out. Your instinct is, of course, to kick at whoever it is and run away. But this is Naboo, so it must be Mando.

Sure enough, you're pulled out to come face to face with a black visor surrounded by shiny metal. You smile around the tool in your mouth. He grabs your chin with his leather gloved hand, crouching down over you. And he tilts your head up.

"Mmmm... little wrench."

You laugh, speaking around the dirty metal between your lips because his grip on your chin won't allow you to spit it out. "Are you turned on by this?"

He shrugs, then releases your jaw and stands up, blocking the afternoon sun. "It's time to go."

"Okay, I'm almost done."

You shimmy back under the ship, wishing Mando had a creeper so you could roll instead of scraping your back across the hard dirt. Although, you suspect Mando likes you covered in dirt and sweat because he leaves his gloved hands on your ankles. You get the plate and bolt back into place and he helps you slide out.

Once you get up the ramp, you have to side-step to get around all the big blocks of carbon that house all six of Mando's bounties. He comes up behind you, pushing the one in front back a little, out of the way of the ramp.

"I don't normally have to freeze all of them." He muses.

You turn around, frowning. "They just ride in the ship?"

"Cuffed." He shrugs. "And in the cockpit so I can keep an eye on them."

For some reason, it bothers you that so many people have been in this ship alone with Mando. Which is ridiculous of course, they're bounties. It's not like he's offering them a ride, or showing them a good time. It's his job.

He heads straight to the refresher, and you try not to listen to him pee in the metal bowl as you pull out fresh clothes to change into. The kid sits happily on a crate, working on the tactile toy you bought him, with beads and twirling pipe to move them on. Mando comes out and heads straight up the ladder to the cockpit.

You strip down, wrapping a towel around you before you finish since the kid is here in the hull. You step in and shiver while the water warms up. It isn't easy to avoid the cold spray while the shower heats up, so you just deal. You skip washing your hair, but spend extra time relaxing your shoulders under the hot water.

When you step out of the refresher in your small towel, Mando is right there waiting for you. His bare hands find your hips, pulling at the towel to get to your skin. His armor is off and he's down to just his brown long sleeve shirt and pants, barefoot.

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