12: Prove It

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You're in full panic mode, standing up in the cockpit, digging through your pockets, patting yourself down, looking around you on the floor. The kid is sitting in his seat, staring at you with curious eyes.

"Mando!" you gasp.

He swivels toward you at your tone. "What happened?!"

Your panicked gaze hits his black visor, and he stiffens. "We have to go back!"

"What? Why?" he sighs.

"My rock! I left it! I think it's at the refresher sink!"

He sighs in earnest. Not happy with you. Of course, he's not. You've been in hyper space for ten minutes already, far from Nevarro. But you can't risk anything happening to it. Your father will toss it when he comes across it.

"It's just a rock. I see them everywhere. All the time. You can just pick one up anywhere."

Stress tears start to pool in your eyes. You take a deep breath to calm yourself, swallowing the lump in your throat before speaking. "It would really mean a lot to me if we could go get it."

And that's how you find yourself back in your childhood home that you just finished crying about leaving forever. The little rock with the brown, gold, and green ribbons sits on the edge of the sink. You had washed it off to try to see the colors brighter. It worked a little, but you wish you could polish it with something and make it shiny. You think about the simple little memory as you pocket it, Din just walking along, then stopping in his tracks to pick it up. He told you it was nice as he gave it to you. It was a tiny gesture, but you find your heart dwelling on it with pleasure.

You say a quick goodbye to your room, again. Getting teary eyed, you glance around at all the insignificant objects that have held so much meaning over the years. You take a second to snap a quick holophoto of your bookshelf. Now the memories won't be lost. Your father is sure to destroy this room in his anger. But you'll still be able to look at the special items you have collected over the years.

Your eyes roam to the bed, smiling as the sad tears fade. If you ever do come back here, all you'll be able to think about is the most incredible sex of your life last night and this morning. Din was surprisingly long-winded, and extra sweet this morning. Your stomach does flips just remembering the way his lips worshiped your entire body. How rough he was with his cock, you're still quite sore, but so gentle with his words.

You turn and exit the house for the last time. For real this time. And run back to the ship, climbing up to the cockpit with haste and sitting yourself down. Mando turns his helmet toward you.

"Are you absolutely positive you got everything you want?"

"Yes." You breathe. "Thank you."

He takes off again, getting you to the atmosphere and sending the ship into hyperspace. You watch the stars stretch around the view port, trying to keep your mind focused forward, and not back on Nevarro. In hindsight, it was really nice to see Lucca again. You aren't sure if you'll get the chance to anytime soon...or ever. Your undetermined future weighs heavy on your mind.

Mando turns his seat toward you. "Come here."

Your eyes look back at the kid. For now, he's sitting contentedly in his chair, playing with the little silver ball. You get up and come to stand in front of Mando, looking slightly down at him in his pilot chair. He snatches at your waist, pulling you forward between his spread knees. Your lips turn up as he wraps his arms around you and buries his hard helmet in your chest.

You pat the top of his helmet affectionately. "I kind of figured you'd be touch starved now once I learned your lifestyle. But if I didn't know better, I'd say the infamous Mando is going soft." You tease.

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