8: Kid

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You wake up to the sound of insects, snuggled against Mando's hard, armored body. Your yawn turns into a groan when you feel your sore body. You sit up, looking around into the early morning sun. Mando is perfectly still next to you, but you don't hear his light snores. Stretching, you turn around to look at him.

"Did you sleep even a few minutes?"

"Mmm, a while."

You give him a small grin. "Good."

You go traipsing through the tall grass, pants getting wet with dew, until you're far enough away to pee comfortably, pushing sharp blades out of the way so you can squat down. When you get back, you drink a little water and eat a few crackers. Mando gets up as you're eating, taking his cape up off the cold ground and shaking it out before putting it back in place around his neck.

"We should walk for a while before waking the kid. It's still early."

You get to your sore feet and walk next to him, grabbing his hand automatically. He squeezes back before strutting off through the grasslands. His pace is less furious than yesterday, but still faster than you would normally walk.

"Can I ask you about your armor?" you speak after a long bout of silence.


You point to the hunk of silver on his back. "What's that?"

"A jetpack."

Your mouth falls open in a huge smile. "You have a jetpack?! That's so cool!... Wait, why aren't we using it?"

He huffs a tiny laugh under his helmet. "I can't carry you and the kid's bed. And that little pod wouldn't be able to keep up while floating." He pauses for a long moment. "I guess I should have thought of that before we left..."

You shake your head, looking back forward. "No, he needs it to sleep in... And we left in kind of a hurry..." your voice turns a little guilty.

You look at him again after a few moments. "Will you take me for a ride someday?"

"Sure... I bet you five credits it'll scare you shitless."

You laugh, your face blushing. "I don't think I like those odds."

"That's what I thought." His amusement seeps through the modulator.

You walk for a good hour before he stops to wake the kid up. The little guy seems rather grumpy this morning. You stop for him to eat and walk around a little before asking to get back in his pod. Mando sets off again, and this time, he grabs your hand, rather possessively.

He asks you a question for a change. "What do you do when you're not working?"

"Mmm... Sometimes I go out with my friends- I just have a couple. But mostly I study mechanics and spend a lot of time out in the shop."

"Why are you a nanny and not a mechanic?" He asks quickly.

"Well...it's not that easy. I apply for jobs a lot. They either want experience- which I don't have, or they want to bring me on as unpaid apprentice- but I need credits."

"I'll give you credits. I'll pay your rent." He shrugs.

Your face flushes dark crimson at his nonchalant offer to pay you way through an internship. "Mando, please." You breathe. "You don't have to say shit like that... I don't pay rent anyway, I live my dad now. And help out with whatever he needs."

He ignores your embarrassment. "And your mother?"

You clear your throat, facing forward as you walk. "She died three years ago. Hence why I live at home."

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