Chapter 2

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As soon as the door was closed jesy started trash talking perrie.
"I don't know why you married her" jesy sighed

"Can you not talk about my mam like that" Mia asked
as soon as Mia put her bag down

"Little one you don't get to tell me what to do" jesy added

"And jesy you don't get to talk about my mam like that" Mia mocked

"I don't sound like that and I get to say and do whatever I want" jesy argued

"No you don't. Your just jealous that she married my mam first and your jealous that she is more successful than you" Mia argued back

"Watch who you are talking to little girl" jesy snapped

"Oh I'm so scared what you going to do about it"Mia said sarcastically

STOP IT leigh yelled
"Your not going to tell your girlfriend to stop"Mia asked

"Mia you can't go round telling adults what to do and jesy calm down" leigh said

"I HATE BOTH OF I CANT WAIT TILL FRIDAY" Mia screamed and ran to her room slammed the door and locked it.

I want to go back to mams house nobody cares leigh is so far up jesys ass Mia whispered to herself



"Princess let me in please" leigh whispered

"Young lady don't you dare use that language I don't know what you get way with at home but I do not tolerate it under my roof I am in love with Jesy and you will have to accept that I'm in love with jesy and she is going to be your new step mum get over it your mum and I are done finished never going back we have both moved on" leigh spoke

"I don't have to accept anything I know the truth what happened between you and my mam I don't care about jesy or her feelings I am not attending that wedding of yours"Mia said

"You are attending the wedding" leigh replied

"I will not and everyone on Instagram post hate to my mams Instagram and she done nothing wrong you need to cut the bullshit and tell the truth" Mia replied

"You are grounded young lady for the language and being rude" Leigh spoke and left the room
It was 10:30pm and Mia needed to call her mam

P: Hello?
M: hi mam sorry to wake you
P: no it's fine sweetheart you sound like you have been crying
M: I have been
P: what happened did jesy say something or did leigh say something
M: jesy was trash talking you so I fought back and stood up for you and I got told to go to my room
P: princess I told you to tell me I don't want you to get into trouble
M: I know mam but you wouldn't of stood for it and mam said that I have to accept that she is getting married to jesy so I told her I wasn't going I hate jesy mam then I told her that she needs to tell the truth about what happened between you both.
P: how do you know?
M: I'm sorry I don't like seeing you hurt and I get bullied at school because I don't have Instagram and Chloe showed me and because of mam and all those comments on Instagram I hate jesy mam she is a bitch and it's not right.
P: baby girl you can't say that word but it's ok I can handle it try and stay out of adult business I will speak to the school I know you are looking out for me I can handle them and I love you for looking after me and I'm grateful and I love you, you are my number 1 girl remember what we have at the weekend think of that ok Harry Potter world baby
M: I can't go though I'm grounded
P: remember you are grounded over there not with me
M:sorry for the word and true I guess
P: that's alright princess


" NO IM TALKING TO MAM" Mia yelled back
Leigh snatched her phone out of her hand

L: why you calling
P: she phoned me
L:she's grounded
P: I know she told me can you please control Jesy she is upsetting Mia and if you are going to trash talk me don't do it infront of our daughter
L: I'm not going to sit here and argue with you
P: and I'm not going to sit here and let your girlfriend talk about me infront of Mia that's not acceptable. I'm not going to let jesy speak to Mia like she is her child she is not I don't speak to Mia like that and I'm her mam remember she is 12 not 9 and you are letting it happen leigh
L: look perrie
P: you are the one who is slagging me off all over on social media and jesy i don't even know is slagging me off like I've done something wrong it was You that wanted the divorce YOU not me you left me to be with jesy but I'm getting the blame for it your the one saying stuff like one day your name didn't make me smile anymore and a whole load more this isn't my fault it's yours Leigh I tried to make things better but you ruined it
Leigh listened she was right she did mess up
L: I'm really sorry
P: your sorry I don't know if you being genuine or not but I have to feed hatchi and go to bed

With that perrie hung up
Leigh felt sorry she did love her but she knew she messed up and that she couldn't fix it so she went online

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