"A goddess and a ghost?" She smiled as she wrapped arms around my neck. "I like it."

"It was a joke." I slurred through her kisses.

"I don't care. I like it."

"So like a... like a couple?" I asked, the thought of being in a relationship scared me, I'm surprised I even made it as far as I did with Bonnie. I didnt want to commit to a relationship, but if it was with her... I'd commit to anything.

"Um..." She stammered, she quickly got nervous.

"It was a joke." I played it off coolly, it obviously scared her to be in a relationship with someone other than Damon. And that was perfectly ok. To be fair, Damon would come back. Whether it would be the next 6 months or 6 years, it didnt matter.

I knew she'd hold onto him, and that made me mad. But I had her now, and that's all that really mattered to me.

Bonnie though? She was gone, she was dead. And it didnt matter to me as much as it should. It wouldnt be like if Rae were to die.

If I lost Rae, I'd loose myself. I'd never had a reason to flip off my humanity switch, other than me wanting the experience. That was because I didn't care, about anything.

But Rae?

If someone even looked at her the wrong way, touched her in a way that would hurt her. I'd kill them.

Shes mine, no matter if she liked me or not.

As my inner monologue went on, I had pinned her back down onto the bed as we kissed fiercely. I held her hands down this time, fully taking the control I'd try to ease on her.

I lifted the tight tank top she had on over her body and threw it to the side. She unbuttoned my jeans with her magic and slid them off of my body.

I kept her hands down on the bed with my magic as I grabbed the hem of her sweatpants. I was about to rip the fabric but she quickly pulled her lips off mine with a gasp.

"No!" She yelled, I looked at her all the while. I released the invisible grip on her wrists as she jolted upwards.

"What? What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"No just... dont rip these pants."

"What are they your brothers or something?" I asked jokingly.

She didnt reply.

"Wait, are they actually your brothers?!" I asked concerned.

"No... they are Damon's. That still doesnt mean I want you to rip them." I nodded, trying to appear understanding, trying to looked like I cared about his damn pants. Finding out they were his really just made me want to rip them more. I didnt care enough to reply, or to kiss her again, I'd let her decide when she wanted me again.

"Can they hear us?" She asked kindly and softly.

"No, they can't. They can't even see us, we are cloaked." I smiled brightly at her. "So if I decided to kidnap you and tie you up, they would never know. But of course I wont do that yet, we aren't fat enough in whatever... this is." I didnt want to say 'relationship' because I knew that would terrify her.

"Does it have to be anything?"

Oh great. A fling.

I mean a fling was better than me trying to kill her.

"No, it doesnt. I'm fine with anything. This can be anything you want it to be, no pressure. It's not like if you totally reject me I'll kill everyone." I said with a smile.

"No, I want this I just... I dont-" She cut herself off aggravated.

"Want it to be permanent." I finished, she nodded.

"I just..."

"Its fine my love, I know why. You dont need to explain it. If you want it to just be a one time thing, I'm ok with that. I'm ok with anything you decide."

"I don't want to hurt you." She mumbled. That was her concern?

"You wont, even just kissing you now, laying in bed with you practically naked, just being with you. That's enough." She nodded and smiled at me. "Are you ok now?"

"One more thing." I nodded as she sat up towards me, the tip of her nose just barely touched mine.

"Anything." I smiled.

"No one cam find out about us, and I mean... no one."

"Doesnt Stefan already know? Plus Benny saw me on top of you, Rae he saw me choke you."

"I can tell Stefan it was just a kiss, and Benny will forget! He is young."

"Rae, he remembers you yelling at me in the rain with Damon's car. He was like 6 months old then."

"He will forget." She tried convincing herself. I nodded and smiled. "That's not all... when Damon wake up, we should probably... end things. I wouldnt want to jeopardize what I have- had with him because of us."

"Ok but what if that's in 60 years and we are married."

"Then we will get divorced!" She smiled and kissed me then pulled back.

"Youd divorce me for him?" I asked pouting my lip.

"Oh I'd never divorce you baby." She smiled bigger at me, I smiled back. I'm happy that she wasng upset anymore, that was better than almost anything.

"So what's the game plan, for us."

"We are a secret. No one can find out about us. In public and in private."

"Deal." I smiled.

"Seal it with a kiss?" She asked wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I think we can seal it with more than just a kiss, princess." I smiled and made us fall back into the bed.

And we definitely sealed it with more than just a kiss, and in ways I never imagined seeing her in.

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