It's my own fault though, if I was just honest to her from the beginning we wouldn't be in this position and she wouldn't be so mad at me. At least she can't blame her mums suicide on herself anymore, she can pass all the blame to me because I probably deserve it.

"How did she rea-"

"Not fucking good Liam that's why I'm here." I interrupt, looking at him like he's stupid.

He's supposed to be the smart one out of the four of them, at this point I'm debating just going to Louis' house because he'll just laugh at me instead of asking stupid questions like 'how did she react?'.

Josie knows about what I've been hiding from Harlow, Liam told her which I was originally mad at, however he tells her fucking everything so I'm used to it by now. At least she's stayed quiet so far, I really do not want her sticking her nose in my business and giving her unneeded opinions.

"Give her some space and let her think things through on her own. That's a lot to digest in a one go." Says Josie.

Spoke too soon.

"I wasn't talking to you." I scowl across at her.

I can see the look the two of them share out of the corner of my eye, but I just leave it. I'm not arguing with Liam today, I really do not need that right now.

"She's right Harry, you need to give her a bit of time. How would you feel if you found out your half brother you didn't even know about was trying to murder you and the girl you're in love with was one of the last people to speak to your dead mum?" Asks Liam, raising his eyebrows at me as if he was a dad.

He's a 27 year old man trapped inside an 80 year olds body I swear. The gardening, the advice, the love for jigsaw puzzles...he's a strange breed of human.

"I'm not in love with her." I correct him, rolling my eyes.

When the conversation fades into silence I turn my head to face them, only to be greeted with the two of them looking at me like I have four heads and eight eyes. The visible confusion on their faces even had me doubting myself for a second.

"You're being an ass-"

"I'm being honest." I cut him off.

"Okay...well speak to her tonight and see how-"

"No, I'd wait until she comes to you." Josie interrupts Liam, however Liam doesn't even seem to mind which is weird because if that was me I'd have told her to let me finish. "She'll come to you when she's ready."

"What do you know?" I mumbled under my breath, rolling my eyes once again.

The fact I can openly sit and speak to Liam about this shit is a lot for me because I don't even talk to the other guys about my life outside the gang. Now Josie has decided to join in and act like this is some sort of group therapy and it's really striking a nerve.

"I'm not going to the club tonight, she hates me." I tell them.

If I go to the club I'll probably just see that she doesn't wanna talk to me, do a shit ton of coke, get wasted and fuck things up for myself. Therefore I'm making the clever decision to stay at home, out of everyone's way.

...and do a shit ton of coke and get wasted.

"Harry," Liam sighs, throwing his head back like he's frustrated. "Did she tell you she hated you? No. So stop overthinking it. She doesn't hate you, she's just trying to figure things out. Stop being ridiculous."

"Alright no need to get bitchy." I scoff, surprised at Liams sudden attitude.

Normally he's a great help, he's like a wizard when it comes to shit like this but right now he's just pissing me off. He has a fucking girlfriend, how hard is it to tell me what I'm supposed to do?

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