
Beginne am Anfang

[Y/N]: "Thanks! I truly appreciate your praises!!" He proudly said as he put his hands on his hips and scoffed.

Mabel then walks in with her Grunkle who was dressed as a vampire.

Mabel: "Grunkle Stan, these are my best friends, Candy and Grenda..."

Candy: "I am so sweet I could eat myself..."

Grenda: "Hello, Mr. Pines!"

Stan: "You got a cold, honey? Somethin' wrong with your voice there...?"

Grenda: "What do you mean? Why would you say that...?" She asked feeling a bit offended.

Stan then waves his cape and walks away.

Candy: "Is Waddles coming with us...?"

Mabel: "I wish he could, but he has some very important meetings to attend!"

On cue, Waddles walks in with a suit attacked to his chest and runs up to Mabel.

Mabel: "File these documents under I, for 'I have a curly tail!'"

[Y/N], Grenada and Candy all laugh at Mabel's banter.

Grenda: "What about your brother...?"

Mabel: "Oh man guys, just wait until you see Dipper's costume! It's amazing! Here he comes now!"

⚠️{Dipper's POV}

I got out from my room and walked to where everyone else was. I wasn't wearing a costume since trick or treating is only for babies and I'm too old for that. Anyways, once I got there, I couldn't help by freeze up and stare when I saw [Y/N].

'WoaWait! I should probably stop staring at him'

I shook my head and drifted my focus away from my friend.

Candy: "That is a very good Dipper costume..."

Mabel: "What the hey-hey bro-bro, where's your costume...?"

[Y/N]: "Yeah! We need costumes for trick or treating!"

Dipper: "Look, I can't go trick-or-treating. I'm..uh, really sick. . . . .must have been that bad candy..." I faked coughed inbetween my phrase and fell to the ground.

Dipper: "...go on without me..." I muttered.

Mabel: "Fight through it, man!"

[Y/N]: "Where's that Summerween spirit of yours...?!"

There was a knock on the door. I got up from the floor and went to open it. Once I opened the door, I saw an unusually tall man with a extremely dark and weird purple skin? with twig like arms and legs and along with wearing a familiar looking hat and a jacket.

The one thing that bothered me was his yellow mask. Upon it was a smiling jack-o'-lantern.

???: "Trick-or-treat..."He said in a bizzare voice.

Dipper: "Dude, really? You're a little old for this, man. Sorry..."

???: "...but wait, I—" before he could say anything else, I slammed the door.

Mabel: "Why'd you close the door...?"

[Y/N]: "That's sus yo..."

Dipper: "I told you, guys, I'm just not feeling it tonight..." I say with another fake cough, which didn't really seem to convince [Y/N].

[Y/N]: "Hmmmmm..."

Mabel: "I think a little trick-or-treating will make you feel better..."

Dipper: "I'm not trick-or-treating!"

There was a knock on the door again.

I go over to the door and saw the same obscure man from before.

Dipper: "Look man, just go to another house!" I shout and slam the door once more.

There was knocking at the door once AGAIN.

Dipper: "I'm not getting that.." I grumbled.

Mabel: "Well I am!"

[Y/N]: "Same here!"

They both walk over to the door with excitement in their eyes. [Y/N] opens the door and Mabel greets the weirdo.

Mabel: "I apologize for my brother, he came down with a case of the grumpy-grumps..."

I then hear [Y/N] chuckle.

[Y/N]: "Absolutely! How saddening!" He exclaimed with a huge smile.

???: "SILENCE! You have insulted me! For this you must pay...with your LIVES..."

[Y/N]: "Your mask is adorable! Haha!"  He laughed and ignored the man's threat.

Mabel: "Aww, you're right! You're a funny guy, aren't you...?"

The man suddenly enters the Shack.

???: "Funny, am I...?"

Gourney walked up at the door out side the Shack. He was a little boy with rosy cheeks and light brown hair. He's also wearing a pirate costume consisting of a black eyepatch, a red bandanna, a dark brown vest, torn shorts and sandals.

Gourney: "Twik-owr-tweet! My name is Gourney..." He said in his childish, baby voice.

The man grabs Gourney and eats him by swallowing him whole!

Gourney: "Remember meeee!"

I screamed in horror along with my sister and her friends as I held onto [Y/N]'s, who found this whole thing hilarious and just quietly laughed.

Grenda: "Gourney!"

???: "There's only one way for you to avoid his fate..." He pokes Candy on the head, causing her to clings on me on me out of fright.

???: "... I need a treat. If you can collect 500 pieces of candy, and bring it to me before the last jack-o-melon goes out......" He ordered as he blows out a jack-o-melon candle.

???: "...I will let you live...." He finished.

Dipper: "Five hundred treats in one night? That's impossible!"

???: "The choice is yours, children. You must trick-or-treat... Or DIE..." He cackled and crawled across The Shack's roof.

Crawling away out of our sight in the pale dark night with the moon shining a silver glow in the sky.


⚠️「Cipher's Son || Gravity Falls」⚠️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt