Walking quietly into their darkened bedroom, he found Daenerys curled up around one of his pillows, sound asleep. He eased himself down next to her and gathered her back up in his arms. She was limp as a wet blanket, and her breathing didn't even shift as he arranged them both on the bed. He decided then and there that he would oversee Viserys' pyre that night without her. She was exhausted, and she needed to take better care of herself and their son. He forced himself to think of rotting meat to keep from waking her as he felt his body stirring in response to being so close to hers.

He laid with her quietly until the sun was starting to shine through their front door, announcing late afternoon. He shifted Dany around a little, and began to rub her back firmly, stimulating her to wake up. She rolled around a bit, then sat up, groaning and holding her head on her arms that rested on her knees.

"You need water," he said quietly. "Too hot out to go so long without it."

"I don't want it," she whispered, not bothering to raise her head to look at him.

"Rhaego does, and your head hurts because your body wants it, too," he answered her shortly, and rose from the bed, dipping a stone cup into the large water vessel near the back room. He brought her the water, and sat next to her and pushed it into her hands. "Drink. Now."

She looked at him for a moment before quietly accepting the drink. He gladly got up and refilled her cup several times, each time sitting back down next to her in the bed while she drank in silence. That's it, Daenerys. Take care of our boy. She finally set the cup down on the low table next to the bed, and laid back down, facing away from him.

"Daenerys," he said quietly, attempting to get her to look at him.

She sniffled a little, but kept facing the wall. He sighed and crawled over her to lay in her field of vision, between her and the wall. "Look at me," he demanded quietly, reaching out to put his hand on her arm. Reddened violet eyes met his, and something in him ached. She laid quietly, sniffling a bit, but no words came from her. "You must feed our son," he insisted after a long pause of just looking at her, not knowing what else to say.

Tears welled in her eyes once more. Fuck. "He had to die," Drogo insisted. "He threatened Rhaego, he threatened you. I said, I said, no more of his shit. You agreed. He pointed a fucking blade at our son, Daenerys. What the fuck was I supposed to do? Let him cut you?" He touched her belly, the cut still pink and fresh.

"No!" she cried out, sobbing in earnest now, crawling over to bury her face in his chest.

Confused and helpless, two things Khal Drogo detested in others and resented even more in himself, he held his crying wife. He sighed and kissed her on her sweetly scented platinum head, and cradled her body close to his. He reached down and touched her growing tummy, caressing his son.

"Your midwife will be here soon," he told her. "Your girls were talking that all this crying is going to harm Rhaego."

She nodded, and wiped her eyes. "I don't want to hurt him," she sobbed. "But I can't . . . stop."

Frustrated, he sighed and held her close again. "You need more sleep now. I will stay until the women come back."

She nodded, and buried her face in his chest again, outright sobbing. "So . . . . so tired," she cried.

He wanted to ask her what she was tired of, but the voices of approaching women interrupted his thoughts. "Your women are here. You can sleep again when they leave," he replied, annoyed at their intrusion, and got up from the bed, pulling on his pants, leaving her to her tears.

He met them at the door. "She's had some water, but no food. Get her to eat. Whatever she wants, you find it," he commanded the girls. "A new caravan came to the marketplace yesterday, there should be plenty of options for her. Whatever the fuck she wants," he emphasized, and pulled a leather bag out from his saddle gear, dumping the small silver trading coins out on the table. "I don't give a fuck what it is, where it comes from, or how you cook it. Do it."

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