Tell me before its too late

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Andy and Robert are not together. Luke and Ryan are alive

After the aid car accident Robert and Andy had been getting a lot closer. Robert always found excuses to work close with Andy putting them on aid car together putting Andy on desk duty so he could sit and watch her from his office. They had gone for coffee as least once a week of the past few months and they occasionally went for runs together. Their bond was getting strong by the day and this had not gone unnoticed by the team but they all thought nothing of it since it was apparent that they were just friends. But in the minds of Andy and Robert they were just friends they both had feelings for one another but they were both to afraid to act upon them. It had been about 6 months of them being friends and things started to change they would sit closer to each other exchange hand gestures occasionally but nothing ever went any further.

It was a super quite day at the station only one call so by the end of the day the station was very clean and everyone was very bored but all well rested. Ryan turned up at the station panicking and hyperventilating when he walked into reception Robert was the first person to see and greet him.

Ry: "where's Andy"
R: "she's upstairs. I can go get her if you want, if you want to take a seat"
Ry: "just get Andy"

Robert walked upstairs getting followed by Ryan. They walked into the beanery and saw no one there it was late so they would probably all be in their bunks. Robert pulled out a chair for Ryan and he sat down and Robert went into the bunks and knocked on Andy's door.

R: "Andy are you awake"
A: "come in"

She was sat in the dark with a messy bun in her hair some short shorts on and a tank top with her station 19 zip up jumper on, you could tell the Robert's knocking had woken her up.

A: "everything ok"
R: "Ryan is outside in the beanery and is asking for you. He doesn't seem ok"

Andy jumped up out of bed and walked quickly towards the beanery robert stayed back but still watched and listened from a distance. Andy leaned down to Ryan's eye level. He looked up and his breathing was irregular his eyes were red and puffy.

A: "hey hey hey are you ok. What's wrong"
Ry: "my dad and, he's back and threading my mom. If I don't give him the money he wants they he said he will hurt her. But I,I, I don't have the money and even if I did I don't know if I could give it to him not after what he has done"
A: "ok Ryan breathe we will figure something out just look at me and copy my breathing"

Andy took Ryan's hands in hers and accentuated her breathing so he could copy.

A: "Ryan loom at me think like a cop right now. Is this with in the eyes of the law because if it's not I'm sure you can make one call and it go away he is treating you and an innocent person surely that can't be legal"
Ry: "no it's not but can I really arrest my own dad"
A: "you don't have to but you can put a call in and someone else could do it for you"
Ry: "I guess that would work. But I wanna talk to my captain about it"
A: "well do you want me to come with you?"
Ry: "I thought you were working"
A: "I'll talk to Sullivan it will be okay ry"

Andy got up off her knees and walked over to Sullivan who pretended not to ease drop but failed.

A: "can I go"
R: "go, go where" trying to act clueless
A: "your not very discreet at ease dropping"
R: "sorry I didn't mean to. Of course you can go I'll cover for you. Take the rest of the shift"

He rubbed his hand against her arm she just looked at him and nodded. She went back into the locker room and started to get changed and went out to meet Ryan.

R: "I'm here if you need anything"
A: "thankyou. I'll text you later"

Andy and Ryan went in his car and started to drive, Ryan was very anxious and Andy could tell so she tried to calm him down. When they got near the police station Ryan hesitated then drove straight past it.

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