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( memories warm you up from the inside. but they also tear you apart. )


The subway jolted to a stop, people changed like revolving doors, replacing the seats that were once occupied. It was interesting. Everyone had a story, a destination. Some paths crossed and beautiful friendships blossomed.

While reading the tale of Coraline yet again, Audrey missed her footing on the train. When the subway jolted again for the next stop, the redhead, accidentally fell on the person next to the rail she was holding on to.

It was a cute boy.

"I'm so sorry!" She flew off of him as soon as she touched him, not wanting for that to be her first impression. Audrey grabbed her bag from the floor, and the boy with the shy smile handed her the copy of her favorite book.

"It's alright ma'am, no worries."

Immediately, Audrey noticed the country drawl.

Hugging the book to her chest, Audrey smiled at the shy boy. "You're not from around here, are you?"

The boy shrugged, "is it that obvious?"

"To a true New Yorker such as myself," she placed a hand on her chest with a grin, "yes."

The unknown boy rubbed the back of his neck, "I just moved here from Texas," he explained.

Audrey raised her eyebrows, "Texas? Wow, that's far." She commented, then noticed the map in his hand. "You lost?"

"A little," he admitted, unfolding the map to show her. He pointed to a red circle around the word 'Home'. Audrey knew the street, it was apartment complex that she lived in. Odd. "My mom sent me for groceries, and I'm not entirely sure how to get back."

Audrey hummed, barely taking note of the bags of 'Lorenzo's' that he held in one hand. "Well, you're on the right train," she smiled, "I actually live in that apartment building too."

The boy with the shy smile, grinned, "Well, it's nice to meet you neighbor." He stuck out a hand. His whole essence was shy, Audrey took note of. He had the small smile, the silent aura, he seemed quite. Only spoke when spoken too.

Audrey placed her hand in his, "Nice to meet you too, stranger."

Once they let go, they subway jolted again to signal the departure of the train to its course.

Audrey slapped a hand on her forehead, "Crap! We missed our stop." Dragging the boy with a shy smile whose also her neighbor by his sleeve, she pushed past some people and even had to shove a few stubborn ones. Honestly, why couldn't New Yorkers be semi-nice? Stopping at the sliding doors, Audrey let go of the boy's clothing  and glanced at her watch.

"Alright," she turned to face the boy, "if we get off here, we can double back to the apartment. Will your mom get worried if you're not home in time?"

"If I tell her about the mishap, then no."

"Perfect! This is a wonderful opportunity to show you some cool cafes." She grinned, handing him back his map. "I'm Audrey, by the way."

"Lucas," the boy nodded with a small smile.

Once the subway stopped, Audrey grabbed Lucas' sleeve and pushed past people, again, to reach the top of the stairs.

Texas & Gin | L. FriarWhere stories live. Discover now