New Tomorrow

51 4 1

We're back at the arena and I'm currently talking with AWS. They're going to be interviewed a lot in about 30 minutes, so they're currently just chilling.

Fiona has found another contestant who she wanted to talk to, but when I asked if she wanted me to help her, she said she wanted to try herself. So once again AWS found me while I was sitting alone.

I've asked them a few questions to prepare them for the upcoming interviews. They knew what they wanted to answer almost all of the time, and for the rest they had something to think about.

»Hey, Lynxth. I've got a question for you, if you don't mind«

Örs says when it's almost time for them to leave.

»Sure. Ask ahead«

»What do you do for fun?«

I'm silent for a bit. I've only been asked this once and that was when me and Fiona met. Back then I told her what my aunt had told me, that I only do things necessary for my groth, and don't let myself get distracted by pointless things. She had looked wildly at me, but then laughed and told me that doing things just because it's fun is also growth. Then she told me about what made her happy. She liked going out with her cliques. It almost never amounted to her own studying, but despite her using a lot of time on a lot of other things, she still aced her exams.

I'm still not sure what I do for "fun". I don't know what has become a routine and what hasn't.

»I.. uhm, I like to study countries. History, landscapes and people from different ethnic groups interest me«

»Oh, that's cool. Can you give us any facts about Hungary?«

Soma asks.

»Yeah, maybe you know something we might not know«

Arón ads.

»Well, quite a few come to mind. Shouldn't you leave now, so you're not late?«

I ask looking at the watch hanging on the wall. They all look up too and hurry to get up.

»But if you're interested in hearing what I know in the future, here's my number«

I say sincerely and quickly write the number to my current cell phone. Fiona thinks it's a little funny that I memorised it, but she probably didn't think I'd give it out to anyone either. They just seemed kinda excited to hear what I might know and I don't know when we'll meet again, since me and Fiona are actually going out of town on the weekend.

»Haha, smooth«

Örs says and takes it. I'm not sure what he means with smooth, so I just smile and wave at them as they leave. Soon after Fiona joins me. When she sees me she practically sprints over to my table and smiles widely. She grabs my shoulders and has a tight grip.

»Iiiiihhhhhh guess what, Lyyyyynxth!!!«

She says, her voice getting really high pitched.

»Your conversation went great?«

I guess, leaning back in my seat. She nods widely.

»It went amazing! So good in fact, that he invited me to a party they're holding later. I have the address and all. You're invited too!«

Despite her being really hyped and energised I manage to get her to sit and calm down a little before she tells me what her and the other contestant talked about. She then explains that the artist was the Czech representative, Mikolas Josef, and that he had heard of her because of her dad.

»I don't know if I'll come to the party. I haven't edited my notes in my diary«

I say but she quickly says:

I'm All Aboard! (Eurovision 2018 fan fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt