Gabi ran through the streets, desperately looking for the others, hearing the sounds and trembles of the millions of colossal titans and the Eldian people who have been turned to titans. Suddenly, she stopped when she heard a scream, and it sounded like Kaya! Gabi sprinted down the alleyway and saw Sasha's family and Niccolo watching as Kaya was about to be eaten. She stopped on the floor and aimed as best she can into the titans mouth, blowing it's jaw off, but it wasn't enough. The titan began to stand again, Gabi sprinted towards Kaya, jumping over her and putting the gun into the titans mouth, blowing it's nape. As the titan collapsed, Sasha's family ran over to them, Niccolo held the sniper Gabi held, staring at her in awe at what she had just done. He handed the gun back to her, "I heard you escaped with the warrior unit, why are you here?" "Jaegerists captured Falco and... miss Aila, she's hurt bad, her wounds are healing but she lost a lot of blood from the fight with Reiner and protecting me from the falling debris of the walls... I have to find miss Annie and the others and bring them all back to her", Gabi said as she looked down at her feet with worry in her eyes. Suddenly, two Jaegerists appeared on the roof's above them, "HEY! ARE YOU ALL OK?!" "Did you... KILL THAT TITAN?!" "WHAT'S THAT WEAPON YOU HAVE?!" "DID THAT GIRL DO IT?!" " Is that... the kid FROM MARLEY?! THE INVADER?! ANSWER ME! Or else...", the Jaegerists shouted as they bombarded them with questions. Gabi didn't know what to say, suddenly, Kaya stepped in front of her, "SHE'S NOT! WE'RE ALL FAMILY! WE LIVE IN THE STABLES TOGETHER!", Gabi and the others stood in shock, even though Kaya tried to kill her, she now saved her from certain death. Niccolo quickly grabbed the gun from Gabi and looked up at the Jaegerists, "I KILLED THE TITAN! AS A FORMER MARLEYAN SOLDIER AND POW, I KNEW HOW TO USE THIS GUN!" "NOW WON'T YA FORGET ABOUT THAT AND TAKE US TO SAFETY?!" "SAVE US MISTER SOLDIER!" "PLEASE!", Niccolo shouted along with Sasha's siblings and mother. The Jaegerists agreed to look the other way and take them all to safety, Sasha's father told her that until they found Falco, she would stay with them, and when she did they would run.

As they followed the Jaegerists to safety, Gabi broke the silence, "Why... did you defend me?", she asked Kaya. Kaya sighed, "I should be asking you... why did you save me? You even risked your life" "Dunno", Gabi replied as she stared at the ground she walked upon. "I... I tried to kill you.. I'm... a devil right?", "Kaya asked as tears formed in her eyes, Gabi pondered her response for a moment, "No, I'm the devil. I've killed... a lot of people.. all to earn praise... that's.. my devil", Gabi said with somber in her tone. "He's inside of me too... and you, Kaya, and everyone. There's a devil inside of us all.. and that's why the world turned out this way", Niccolo said, correcting both girls, Gabi looked up at him, "Then... what should we do?". Niccolo whispered, "We get out from this forest, even if we can't... we just keep on trying", and with that, they continued on to seek safety. Annie and the others raced towards the supply depot at the center of Shiganshina, slaying as many titans as they could to shorten the horde and save the people who tried to take their home from them. Annie fell back and into the air, "Forgive me..", she said as she sliced her finger on her ring, transforming and ready to kill the titans whom she once called comrades. Once an opening was made, Sasha flew into the building and ran to a room, leaving Onyonkapon to guard and protect Falco while they killed the titans that were left. Left and right, soldiers and Jaegerists alike flew about the air, Ymir and Annie killed with their titans with ease, preventing anymore human life loss. It brought pain to their hearts, watching their comrades being slayed by their own hands after swearing to protect them and bring salvation to Paradis. To them, they had failed not only their fallen comrades, but themselves.. and Eren.

When the last titan fell, they rested in the depot, pondering what to do next. Yelena and the other volunteers were placed under arrest for treason and conspiring against the Eldian government. Sasha's family and Gabi had arrived not long after the flames of the battle had settled, Sasha's father had gone up to find the others, "Is Sasha Braus here?! Mikasa?!", He shouted as he looked for his daughter and daughter in law. Sasha jumped at the sound of her father's voice, she ran and embraced him without a thought, "Dad! I'm so glad you're ok!", she shouted as her eyes teared up. Her father smiled, "Me too darlin', now stop leanin' on me with all that gear on ya! It hurts ya know" "Oh! Sorry", Sasha said as she backed up from him. He gave Mikasa a hug as well and looked around, making sure no one was in ear shot, "Listen, we've got Gabi, she's downstairs with the rest of them, bring miss Annie Leonhart and whomever else you think could be of help", he said in a whisper. They two girls were shocked at his words at first, but didn't ask questions, they leapt off and went to find Annie and Armin, leaving Jean and Connie to guard Falco in the spare room until it was safe to move him when no one was looking, Ymir was working on moving all the volunteers to cells safely. Once they gathered back with Sasha's father, he led them down to the room they were in, Sasha ran into her mother and siblings arms, crying with relief of their safety. Mikasa did the same but at a slower pace, they were her family too after all. As soon as Annie saw Gabi, she sprinted to her, embracing her, "Gabi! I'm so glad you're ok, and... I'm sorry about Reiner" "It's good to see you miss Annie, and it's alright, in all honesty, I think he needed to rest anyways, AH! But that's not important right now! Miss Aila is back at a house in Shiganshina! She's ok but she was injured from protecting me from the walls debris, she's lost a lot of blood especially after her fight with Reiner! Her wounds had healed last I saw her but I'm sure she's passed out by now! We have to find her before Pieck and Magath do!", Gabi shouted out with a panic. Without haste, Annie rose and ran off to save her wife before it was too late.

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