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Norman: Oh god oh god 

Norman: Help me. Somebody. Oh, god.


Norman: Ray? You still there?

Norman: Something is wrong. Something isn't right. 

Norman: Ray. Ray?!

Norman: Hey, Ray! Uh, I locked my door. Ray! But I'm not sure...

Norman: I need to know if you're there. THİS İS SERİOUS!

Norman: RAY!

Ray: Okay I turned it off.

Norman: What!?

Ray: The buzz. I turned off the buzz. 

Norman: What the HELL are you talking about?

Ray: I'm hiding, okay. I turned of the buzz that comes when you send a messege.

Norman: What? Why are you hiding?

Norman: You know what, I don't have time for this. Something is wrong, got it?

Norman: Look, I got out of bed to lock the door yeah, then I thought I should check on Phil.

Ray: Okay...

Norman: Then I checked on Phil.

Ray: Okay why is this such a big deal? 


Ray: No need to be rude. The dummy is Emma. Speaking of...

Norman: You don't get it. I'm not saying he's stupid, I'm saying he's litterally a dummy. He's really floppy and he doesn't have a face. HONESTLY İT'S DİSTURBİNG.

Ray: What the hell do you mean HE DOESN'T HAVE A FACE!?

Norman: I thought he was sleeping. I turned him over, I thought he was too floppy, then I turned him over and he didn't have a face.

Ray: Uh

Norman: This isn't a joke. The fact is, this isn't Phil. Phil is Phil. Phil... İsn't a dummy. But seriously, somebody put a dummy in Phil's place, because... Because I saw him come in. I saw him. Walk. AND DUMMYS CAN'T WALK. 

Ray: Norman I told you that wasn't Phil didn't I? 

Norman: Look okay I get it, I should have checked, but it's not every day that I have a damn DUMMY lying in the corner. 

Ray: Okay look where's the dummy now?

Norman: I put it against the wall. İt's sitting facing the wall. 

Ray: Okay...

Norman: İt's disturbing.

Ray: Too bad.

Norman: İt's REALLY disturbing.

Ray: Nothing I can do.

Norman: Don't stop writing.

Ray: Why?

Norman: BECAUSE I need human contact

Ray: What?

Norman: Human contact.

Ray: Yeah I saw that but what do you mean?

Norman: İf I stop writing and just lie there I might...

Ray: You might what?

Norman: Um... Turn in to a dummy.


Emma, Norman and Ray's group chat ~ Short Creepy Stalker story~Where stories live. Discover now