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the three days the trio spent in Valhalla was as the name suggest heaven it also allowed for Clarisse and Luke to become more Accepting of a death in Battle, but all good things had to come to an end and the three where sent by Odin to return to camp Halfbood where they met with Arthur and his quest team on their way back to halfblood hill

Percy: damn I really hoped you would die 

Arthur: I guess I really am just better than you 

Percy: in your dreams you tool 

Percy laughed as Luke tripped Arthur and the group of three turned six reentered the camp borders Percy and Luke staying behind at Thalia's tree to talk

Percy: so what do you think will change

Luke: not much, I wasn't the only one working for Kronos at this point his plan should continue through mostly the same

Percy: I see, lets go before they get suspicious

Luke: yeah

The duo walked down the hill towards the camp and hummed the song they had been taught by King Harald finehair

For the remainder of the summer Percy, Luke and Clarisse strengthened their bonds and would often train together and Percy had earned the trust of Conner and Travis Stoll and while not fully loyal to him they had become some of his most trusted friends

Near the end of the summer Arthur planned on returning home with Percy but shortly before they left Percy received a raven from his father

Gathered in Percy tent were Luke, Clarisse, Conner, and Travis Percy pulled out the letter from the Raven and read it aloud

Dear Percy
I've decided to invite you and your friends to Valhalla for the school year to train mentored by some of the greatest warriors in history, if you decide to come please send a raven telling me how many to expect and I'll have a room prepared

Your father Odin

Conner: a god just invited us to his hall to be trained by some of the greatest heroes in history

Travis: hell yeah

Luke: come on go back to literal heaven, like I'd say no

Carisse: count me in

Percy then pulled out a paper and started to write his response and tied it to the ravens leg before allowing the raven to fly back to Valhalla

When the group arrived at Valhalla Odin greeted them and handed them their nametags before several people walked in

A large man wearing fur with a sword on his hip and a shield on his back stepped forward

Odin: Percy this is Bjorn Ironside he will be training you for the entirety of your stay here

Bjorn shook Percy's hand and motioned for him to follow, leading Percy to a small field

Bjorn: well be training here, every morning at sunrise

Percy: got it

Bjorn pulled his sword out of its sheath and readied his shield and lunged at Percy.

Percy unprepared was knocked back and landed on the ground and Bjorn offered his hand to pick him up

Bjorn: I see what we need to do now

Percy Jackson son of OdinWhere stories live. Discover now