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"Lee Jaehee"


"Jaehee, wake up"

The familiar voice lingered in my ears as it made me opened my eyes, realizing from my dreamland. A familiar handsome guy could be seen from afar as he smiled broadly at me.

Chill guys, it's just my brother,

"What do you want Juyeon?"

I yawned, then I'll sleep again as soon as he threw a pillow straight to my face.


"Well that's my morning greeting so hurry up, it's your first day school! " he bawled, sticking his tongue as he ran away before I threw the pillow to him back.

Way to ruin my mood today, huh?

Anyway, hi!

I'm Lee Jaehee, currently 16 this year and I just arrived from Australia last night. Well, I got the scholarship for exchanging students abroad when I was on last year in my primary school. It had been 2 years since I lived there.

Wow, that's too long, isn't it??

And now, since my mother asked me to go to the same school with my brother, Juyeon, well he is a year older than me. Born with handsomeness but his favorite hobby is annoying me all the time for sure.


Then, I walked up lazily from the bed as I prepared for school.


"Morning my daughter, how's your jetlag dear?" My mom came from the kitchen and gave me a bowl of cereal.

"Morning mom and it's good, thanks for keeping my things from Juyeon "

"What, me?" Juyeon entered the dining room as he sat beside me.

"You--" I pinched him on the arm as he screamed in pain as World War III started.


"Aish just stop, will you both? When you guys want to grow up huh?" My mom patted on my shoulder, making me let go from pinching his arm.

"Sorry mum but I did miss my little sis a lot so that's why I like to tease her"

"Aww, Juyeonie missed you too" I smiled gleefully as I ruffled his hair harshly until it became messy and I ran out of the dining room.

"Yah!! Lee Jaehee what--"

"I'll wait for you outside Oppa!!" I shouted.



"Are you really want to go alone to the principal room, sis?"

"Yes Juyeon, don't worry! I'm not a kid anymore!"

"Says the one who did lose at the mall huh?"

I punched his arm, making him laughed as he said.

"Okay then, my class is 11-A so if you need anything find me there, I'll go first sis!"

I nodded in reply as I walked into the school building. After searching for the principal room for 10 mins straight, I finally stopped in front of the students' locker.

Stupid me,
I should just ask Juyeon earlier.

I smacked my head, looking around for someone. Fortunately, I saw a boy who was taking something at his locker and rushed to him.

"Hello, can you help me?"

He turned around when he heard me, smiling.

"Eo? A new transfer student??"

I nodded as he kindly brought me there. As we both arrived there, I thanked him.

"Thanks ....."

"Jacob Bae, that's me"

I chuckled in embarrassment as I spoke.

"Oh yeah we don't even greet each other right, I'm Lee Jaehee,16. What about you?"

"I'm 18" he smiled.

"oh I'll call Jacob sunbae then, it's nice to know you"

"Eii don't be so formal with me"

We both talked a bit as he needed to go to his class.

"Thanks again!"

He nodded cutely as I walked into the principal room.

As I finished giving my letters to the principal, he spoke.

"So your class is 10-B okay-- oh Sangyeon-sshi!"

Someone came into the room, bowing to the principal, and smiled.

"This is the record sir"

"Oh thanks a lot, Sangyeon-sshi, btw.. can you help me?"

"Oh sure sir, why?"

"she is Lee Jaehee, a new transfer student.. can you bring her to her class??"

"Okay sir, it's my pleasure"

He bowed to the principal again as he looked at me, beaming. I smiled back at him as he both got out of the room.

The atmosphere became so silent, as he suddenly broke it.

"So, Jaehee... am I right?"

" Yup, that's me"

"I'm Sangyeon, the school's council president"

"Oh hi sunbaenim," we both chatted as we finally arrived in the class.

"Alright, here you go... just wait until your homeroom teacher comes okay?"

"Okay, I get it. thank you, Sangyeon sunbae"

"you're most welcome, and... it's good to know you tho"

I replied with a smile as he left me there. then, my homeroom teacher came as he greeted me.

"Lee Jaehee right? Let's meet your friends"

I nodded and we both into the class. 

"Okay okay, calm down guys.. you have a new friend here!"

the class remained silent as the teacher looked at me. He asked me to introduce my name as I spoke.

"Hi, I'm Lee Jaehee, nice to meet you guys!"

Then, some of them waved at me, making me smiled. the teacher asked me to take a seat as soon, the class started.



Recess time!!!

I happily packed my things. I put all my stationery under my desk as out of the blue, someone hugged me from my back, freezing me out.

"I missed you a lot Jaehee"

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