Chapter 13. Once Upon A Dream

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A month later, it was November 30th and (Even though he still annoys me like hell) Super Luv and I did hang out more. Each time I went to the cave, he was there. It was like he knew I was thinking about going there that day to meet him and talk. It was kinda weird and creepy at first, but now I'm kinda used to it! I was stalling something from him though..

The answer to my question, how he knew my name!

I kinda don't wanna know though. It might freak me out, or something. Still, each time I meet him, my curiosity urges me to ask. Each time, almost do too!

Anyway, my other friends are doing ok too I guess! Toby is still crazy, Felicia is still annoying (I guess that's why I don't mind Switch!), but there's something different about Shane..

I mean, now I don't wear my hair up as much as I used. I get a little bit nervous when he's around and act really awkward. I feel so embarrassed when I do, but other than that, I think we're getting along more since he came here.

In the beginning he was so antisocial and shy, but he's slowly starting to warm up to us and our weird ways. Which is good because we can't act normal around anyone. He's getting weird like us too. Toby stated something about child birth and Shane ended up making a dirty joke about it, which surprised us all.

So, anyway again, my whole group of friends were coming out of class and I have to admit...I was in one of my moods that day. It seemed like everything was complete hell that day and the only good thing was that I get to be away from school for two days. Still, for two days? I would've preferred a month that day.

When I first got in to school, I went to one of my classes too early and got yelled at for it. At lunch, I spilled juice all over my shirt which left a big orange stain on it. My dignity didn't want me to go to the nurse so I wore that shirt for the rest of the day, hearing whispers and giggles from some of the popular girls (Like Heather Mikerio..). And finally, when I opened the door to leave the building for the day, I slammed my thumb in to it too hard somehow. So I had my thumb in my mouth, with a big stain on my shirt. I looked like a baby.

"Come on, don't be so upset about it. Things like this happen...wait, no they don't happen all the time.." Felicia staed, before muttering the last part to herself.

I just glared at her and that's when she decided to hide behind Shane for the time being.

"Don't listen to her, it could have been worse. You could've spilled it on your pants and it'd looked like you peed yourself." Steph said smiling a little.

I shook my head and walked over to a tree, climbing it to be alone.

That's when the guys walked over.

"What's Kershlee doing?" Toby asked.

"Being a baby.." Steph asked.

I was, but I wouldn't admit it. I was being very childish, I have to say.

"Shut up, Steph!" I yelled down.

Camille pushed Steph slightly and told her to shush. Toby placed down his bag and walked over to the tree.

"Hey, buddy." Toby said, talking with the voice he uses on his dog.

I stayed quiet, not wanting to talk with anyone.

"Wanna come down and talk about what happened?" he said in the same voice.

I shook my head, knowing he can see me slightly, "You'll just make fun of me.".

"When have I ever made fun of you? You might make fun of me for my mistakes, but I wouldn't do that to you." Toby said patting the tree.

I frowned and nodded, then sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2013 ⏰

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