{dorm night i: wayv ft johnny}

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concept: just wayv couple shenanigans.
pairings: johnten, xiaoyang, luwin

it was a practically perfect scene. a room full of his favorite people, all of them happy. he smiled, looking up at his boyfriend while his head was in the older's lap.

"what?" johnny asked. "are you going to hit me?"

"no," ten hummed. "you're too pretty." johnny smiled back, stroking ten's hair.

"then what are you thinking about?" he asked.

"you mean besides you?" ten asked, noticing pink rush across his boyfriend's cheeks. "well, i'm in a room with seven of the most important people in my life. and i'm the happiest i've been in a long time."

"that's good," johnny said. "i'm glad you're happy."

"yeah, because of you and the six other idiots in the room," ten said, turning to look at the three youngest members who were tackling each other to the floor.

"dude, don't pin him. that's for the two of you to do on your own time," hendery said teasingly. xiaojun's leg struck out from his position on the floor and hit hendery's leg, to which he gave out an overdramatic cry of pain. "why?! i'm never going to walk again!" he wailed.

"that's your fault," xiaojun told him, sticking his tongue out at the younger. his wrists were still pinned to the floor by a yangyang who was stifling his laughter. "shut up and let me get up," xiaojun said.

yangyang gave him one of his famous gummy smiles before shaking his head. "i think i'd rather do this first," he said, connecting his lips with the older's. xiaojun's cheeks heated up upon contact, but he kissed back anyway.

"you're children!" ten called out at them. winwin looked over and shook his head in mock disappointment. lucas simply giggled at the man at his side.

"ah, my eyes!" hendery cried out, covering his eyes with his hands.

"hendery, if you keep screaming, the neighbors are going to complain about us," kun said, walking back to the couch from the kitchen with a snack.

"it's not my fault they were making out in front of everybody," hendery said, pointing at the couple who was now sitting up near him.

"we were not," xiaojun insisted, his cheeks still flushed. he smacked the younger's shoulder.

"did you want to?" yangyang whispered, leaning in toward his boyfriend.

xiaojun made a flustered noise and pushed yangyang back by his shoulder, though the younger was still smiling. "oh, come on, dude. don't tease him," johnny chided, wearing his own sly smile.

it's was ten's turn to smack his boyfriend's shoulder. "don't encourage them," he said.

"i wouldn't be surprised if it happened somewhere along the way," winwin said, glancing between the two other couples.

"you're instigating, too," ten said, wrinkling his nose at the younger. johnny couldn't help but boop the thai male's nose when he did.

"i'm simply stating facts. besides, a few kisses never hurt anyone." winwin looked up at lucas, his eyes glimmering expectantly.

"you can have a kiss when you aren't using it to irritate ten," lucas said. winwin pouted slightly.

ten turned to look up at his boyfriend again. "johnny..." he said, drawing out the last syllable. "can i have a kiss?" he batted his eyelashes innocently while sitting up. johnny kissed his forehead. "you missed on purpose, didn't you?" he asked.

"maybe," johnny said. ten grabbed the fabric of his shirt and connected their lips.

"this is taunting," winwin said, narrowing his eyes at the two.

"and he wonders where we learned it from..." yangyang murmured to xiaojun before kissing his ear.

kun sighed, shaking his head, though a small smile was apparent enough on his face.

lucas's hand went to winwin's chin, tilting his head up toward him. he softly pressed their lips together. winwin smiled, glad it didn't take long for the younger to give in.

"i can't even imagine you with yuta anymore," johnny said. "first off, you two look so happy." he gestured toward the two on the couch, winwin trying to curl into lucas's chest and hide his face.

"and you've seen yuta around mark," ten said, reaching up to mess with johnny's hair. "i tease mark about it all the time."

"so you're the one making mark throw his phone whenever yuta walks into the room," johnny said.

"mark hyung is a panicked gay," hendery said with a nod.

"so is dejun," yangyang said, turning to put his face into the older's neck. he let out a startled yelp and pulled away. "see?" yangyang asked with a huge smile.

"ugh, i can't stand you sometimes," xiaojun mumbled, his voice muffled as he buried his face in his boyfriend's shoulder.

"cute," yangyang hummed, kissing his head. "i love you too."

"wait, doesn't mark share a room with one of your managers?" lucas asked.

"if you think that stops him from sneaking into yuta's room at night, you are sorely mistaken," johnny said, taking a handful of the snacks kun offered to him.

"i'm glad winwin's already my roommate," lucas said with a smile, kissing winwin's cheek.

"it's because of the cuddles, isn't it?" winwin asked.

"i like your cuddles. they make me feel special," lucas said, smiling with pink flushed cheeks. winwin's cheeks were a matching pink, a small smile curled on his lips.

"gross," hendery said, making a fake gagging noise.

"aw, don't be mad just because you're single, hendery. i'm sure you'll find someone," xiaojun said, patting his head.

hendery pouted at the older, swatting his arm away. "i don't want someone stealing my shirts all the time," he said with a click of his tongue.

"that's because you'd be the one stealing the clothes," kun said.

"so he's the yangyang and ten of the relationship," winwin said, looking between the couch and the floor.

"that's why i didn't pack for our trip to chicago. i was just going to take your clothes," ten told johnny.

"i'm like, half a foot taller than you," johnny said.

"and that's stopping me why?" ten asked. "i'm literally wearing your shirt right now."

hendery rolled his eyes, walking over to the couch and sitting at kun's feet. "i feel single, so we'll be single together," he said.

"you have literally been fine sitting next to dejun and yangyang all night," kun said.

"dejun kicked me," hendery reminded the older.

kun rolled his eyes, patting the spot on the couch between him and winwin. "just get up here." hendery squeezed between the two of them, letting kun put his arm around his shoulders.

yangyang was clinging to xiaojun like a koala again. the older leaned his head on top of the maknae's, making him close his eyes and smile in satisfaction. ten smiled fondly at the two of them, feeling johnny play with his hair.

"you want to come over to my dorm next time?" he asked quietly.

"your dorm is probably even more of a mess," ten scoffed, smiling.

"yeah, but i'm sure you'll love it. you love this," he said, gesturing around the room.

"yeah," ten said softly with a fond smile at his members. "i really do."

{a/n: this is a special chapter that i wrote because i was having a bad day yesterday and it made me smile. i thought it was cute. it's a mess but i find comfort in it anyway. like wayv and nct themselves. :)}

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