{the l word: luwin}

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concept: winwin comes to a realization.

"why are you looking at me like that?" winwin asked, swatting at ten's shoulder. "stop it."

"oh, come on. i saw you out there," ten said, continuing to tease the younger.

winwin clicked his tongue at the older. "i don't know what you're talking about."

ten rolled his eyes, setting the sketchbook he had on his lap on his bed. "winwin, you and lucas were like, three feet apart and all you had to do was give him a look and he came right over," he said.

winwin's heart fluttered at the memory. they were seated on the couch at the panel, lucas a good deal away from him. he gave him a look, silently asking him to come closer. as if the younger could hear him, lucas sidled up beside him, a smile on his face. a fond smile plastered itself onto winwin's face as he did so.

"and i thought you didn't like skinship unless it was with jaehyun or mark," ten said.

"i don't," winwin said immediately, shooting ten a defensive glare.

"you find some excuse to touch him more than anyone else. and he absolutely adores you. i know he's special to you, so you can't tell me you look at him and don't feel anything," ten explained, his eyes fixed on winwin.

winwin blinked. ten may have been teasing before, but this explanation made sense. he didn't mind skinship with lucas at all. if their hands were together, or lucas squeezed part of his arm, he was fine with it. they were roommates, so their bond had grown stronger through living together. and he had to admit, it was kind of adorable how lucas complimented him and hyped him up. it made him feel special.

ten giggled, breaking winwin from his thoughts. "what?" he asked, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"you're blushing, winwin. and you were smiling just a second ago," ten said. "it was like that smile xiaojun has around yangyang."

he knew exactly what smile ten was talking about. it was a small fond smile that verged on daydreamy territory. the blush on his cheeks crept up to his ears. lucas's touch gave him butterflies and whenever the younger would compliment him, it made him feel warm and fuzzy inside, more so than anyone else. he felt different around lucas than he did around anyone else. it was an unfamiliar kind of different, but not a bad one. his heart sped up in his chest.

"he's outside if you want to go talk to him," ten said.

"i'm not telling him, if that's what you mean," winwin said. he stood up from his bed, heading toward the door.

"telling him what?" ten asked as his hand touched the doorknob. without looking back, winwin could see that irritating smirk on his face.

"why are you asking me? you already know, don't you?" he opened the door, then pushing his way outside. once he was outside, he let out a breath he hardly realized he was holding.

he'd never used the l word in reference to anyone before. he hadn't intended to start now. but the way his heart fluttered and his face and ears heated up, he knew he had to. he was in the l word with lucas and he didn't know how to handle it.


winwin sighed frustratedly, running his hands over his face. he was laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. his thoughts were consumed by lucas's laugh, and his smile, and the cute way he got excited whenever he was around. the problem was, he was sleeping barely five feet away from him.

it had been almost two weeks since winwin's conversation with ten and the realization that he was in the l word with him. he still couldn't tell him that, seeing as they were both best friends and roommates. who was he to ruin the beautiful relationship they had?

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