"How can you say that and then pass out with your head hanging over a bathtub?" I exclaim to them, even if they couldn't hear me. I lightly cradle their head and lift them out of the bathtub. Gently, I lay them face side up on the bathroom floor. Even though they had just passed out twice after spewing out their lunch, they looked peaceful in their sleep. My eyes are drawn to the ugly black collar around their neck as my face falls.

'They are going to hate me for this,' I think as I reach around their neck and unbuckle the collar. Resisting the urge to throw the collar into some trash can, I place it on the floor beside them. Soon, my attention gets drawn to the large splotch of blood on their undershirt. 'This is probably the reason they ended up like this,' I consider as I look back at the bathtub filled with vomit. 'However, that doesn't explain the passing out,' I contemplate as I stare at Y/n's unconscious body.

"They have an extra undershirt, but I doubt their stomach can handle the sight of it again," I say out loud as I start to pull off their coat. Looking into the coat pocket, I see the three knives Y/n keeps on their person at all times and sigh as I drew my attention back to the body in front of me. "I apologize in advance for touching you without permission," I apologize to them as I unbutton the shirt, take it off them and throw the dirty clothing article near the sink. Carefully, I put their coat back on and carry them over to their bed.

'This could have been easily avoided,' I think as I place Y/n under their sheets with their head on their pillow. Anger starts to fill my body as I check on them one last time.

"Please wake up in the morning," I whisper to them before I lock the door leading to the hallway and head to my room through the connecting doors. "Good night Y/n," I call out to them before walking through and closing the connecting door.


Y/n POV:

A ringing bell wakes me out of my sleep as I roll over in my bed. My cold knives suddenly touch my bare skin, promptly waking me up. I jerkingly sit up in bed, but a painful headache makes me lay back down. Groaning, I roll out of bed before dragging myself to the bathroom. As I open the bathroom the strong smell of vomit fills my nostrils, making me gag before I quickly close the door shut.

'What in God's name was I doing last night,' I think as I inhale a deep breath of air. Against my better judgement, I open the door again and walk over to the bathtub. My weak stomach did backflips as I saw yesterday's food sitting at the bottom of the tub. I turn the water on and try to wash the partially digested remains of food down the drain. Feeling my lungs start to ache to air, I exhale and inhale, even though the room still smelled terrible. My headache lightly throbs as I turn off the running water and walk out of the bathroom.

Looking out the window, I presumed the sun had already been up for a few hours. The realization that I still had work and likely missed serving breakfast set in as I started to speedily change into a new shirt. 'Please don't be fired. Please don't be fired. Please don't be fired,' I repeat in my mind as I feel that something was missing from my outfit. Patting my whole suit down, my hands make their way up to my neck, resulting in my eyes widening. 'Collar, collar. Where is it?' I question myself as my eyes quickly scan the room. Not seeing it anywhere, I walk back over to the bathroom and check inside it. I breathe out a breath of relief as I see the collar sitting on the floor.

"I'm not going to deal with the tantrum the annoying brat will throw if I don't wear this stupid thing," I mutter to myself as I pick up the collar and buckle it up around my neck. I run out of the foul-smelling room and head towards the door, trying my best to ignore my raging headache. Quickly unlocking the door, I turn the handle and race out, almost hitting Albert head-on as I turn down the hallway. "O-oh! Lord Albert! Please excuse my absence from serving breakfast. I had overslept! I promise it will never happen again!" I exclaim to the brown-hair boy as I deeply bow to him.

"There is no reason to apologize, Y/n. I excused you from serving this morning because of what happened last night," Albert kindly tells me as I straighten my back out. I raise a confused eyebrow at his words before my head decides to throb again. I place my hand on the back of my head, trying to somewhat soothe it, but stop when I feel a painful, large bump. Against my own will, my face contorts into one of pain as my fingers grace over the lump.

"I apologize profusely, but can you refresh my memory about what happened occurred last night? It seems that I can't remember," I tell Albert, ignoring the concerned look plastered on his face.

"You don't remember?" he asks as I shake my head no. My head pulses once more from the movement, but I hid the fact that it was bothering me. Albert looks down at the floor before looking back up at me. "I order you to go eat. You must have seen the mess in the bathroom, correct? I'll tell you about what happened after you complete this task. We'll be leaving for the school later. Please be prepared for that," Albert orders me before walking towards his room.

'How did he know about the bathroom?' I question in my mind as I walk down the hallway, heading towards the server's kitchen. However, I freeze halfway down the hall as I stare at the candles hanging on the walls. 'Where's Mary? She should be cleaning the lights?' I wonder as I fix my eyes on the flickering fire.

'Wouldn't it be fun to set fire to the city?'

I apologize for the boring chapter, but we are now one away from finishing the second episode. I'm realizing that this book may be really long, but I guess that's how it goes.

Would you guys like multiple short chapters or one long chapter? Short chapters are easier to write, but longer chapters are nice to read, so I want your opinions.

I feel so bad for not watching the second yet, but a lot of my attention is on writing... which isn't bad but it isn't particularly good.

Have a good morning/evening/night,


(1897 Words)

Catch Me If You Can (Yuukoku No Moriarty X Reader) REPUBLISHED AND DISCONTINUEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat