Chapter 1

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3rd POV:

London's streets were covered with a red fog. Was it because a murder was about to place or any other logical reason? We might never know.

All that is heard is a small boy running down the road, panting heavily, running for his life. The area around him had many statues of monsters and demons.

Suddenly, the small boy trips and falls, dropping his case full of tailoring tools, scattering its remains across the ground. Quickly checking behind him, he gets back up and continues running without a second thought.

He stops behind a crate, trying to hide from the monster that was hunting him. While he tries to slow his breathing down, he looks behind the corners, possibly to see the form of the monster Was it truly a monster or was it something even worst? Something that hungers for power, takes down weaker ones and expects no repercussions for nefarious actions against others.

The boy turns back and lets out a small shout of shock, seeing the monster right in front of him.

Lightning and thunder claim the sky as we can hear terrified breaths taken by the boy. Even if he screamed, no one would hear them in the isolated graveyard that his captors had taken him to. His legs and arms were bound to a wooden chair, while a piece of cloth gagged him. Lightning fills the mausoleum, making the boy shut his eyes away from the bright light.

Looking up, the boy sees the monsters who kidnapped him. As the lightning continues to strike, two figures can be seen. One stands off to the side as the other stands directly in front of the boy. The monster begins to smile, making the boy's eyes widen as sweat drips down his forehead. Grinning larger, the monster's lips reveal their teeth, their sharp canines further proving that they were not human.

The clock tower rings as unspeakable things were done to the boy.


Y/n POV:

"Now there's been a seventh victim," William reads the paper out loud. He is still in his morning robes, but he is likely figuring out who murdered these boys already. " "The townsfolk tremble at the faceless assailant." " he finishes as I idly stand by and watch, standing a few feet behind Louis.

'Personally, I already have an idea of the type of person who would do something like this. I mean, the clues are right there in the paper,' I think as I watch Louis place Williams his cup of tea on the side table. Previously, I had been able to look at the morning paper before anyone else, hoping to find something interesting. 'And guess what?... There wasn't! I suppose the murders are somewhat of an interest, but it almost hurts to see the police miss the obvious evidence right placed in front of them.'

"It's a dreadful affair, William," Louis tells him as I silently nod my head, not feeling up to talking in the morning.

"Yeah," William agrees, not taking his eyes off the article. "They exclusively target young boys for their amusement, and then, after they're done, slaughter them," he continues, as I begin to feel a bit disgusted.

"They fulfil their personal lust, before fulfilling their blood lust. Targetting young, defenceless boys, "ripe for the picking"," I chime in, adding my personal take to the incident.

Louis looks back at me, before facing his brother again. "It's hard to believe a human being could do such a thing," he says, making William smirk and making me slightly shake my head, disagreeing.

Catch Me If You Can (Yuukoku No Moriarty X Reader) REPUBLISHED AND DISCONTINUEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin