Chapter 71: Press Conference! -END-

Start from the beginning

The lady stood up and asked her question. "Halo, can you please explain what this entire event was about as many rumors and unconfirmed theories have been spreading?" she asked and Izuku straightened up and spoke. "Many months ago the Hero Commission was alerted to the disturbing fact that a faction that called themselves the Meta Liberation Army had made an appearance in our country once again. This was discovered due to Pro Hero Hawks going undercover as a traitor agent to the hero society which allowed him to join the League of Villains which lead him to make contact with the Meta Liberation Army. A battle broke out between both factions which resulted in the destruction of Deika City due to the conflict between both factions. I do know that other reports say that random villains attacked and that civilians defend themselves but in truth what we discovered was that Deika City was completely controlled by Meta Liberation Army (MLA). The said civilians were in fact members of the MLA who were fighting the League of Villains due to the fact that a known associate of the League was taken by the MLA as a hostage. 

This was the trigger for the conflict as reported by Hawks to the commission. Due to the events of the battle, the MLA surrendered to the League of villains which gave birth to a new organization called the Paranormal Liberation Front (PLF). This new organization is the reason the combat had broken out as you all saw on your TVs or experience in person. We learned several months ago that the PLF was attempting to upgrade the quirk power of Shigaraki who was the new leader of the PLF which is why he had such destructive powers though incomplete. It was incomplete due to the fact that several divisions of Heros were gathered once they were confirmed not to have any ties with the PLF and then sent to attack the known locations of the PLF. I was the general of the Second Divison which consisted of mostly Shiketsu High School students and Pro Hero graduates due to the closeness of the second base to Shiketsu relative to the first division's location. 

The First Division was led by Pro Hero Endeavor who took charge in leading the assault in the hospital which was a lavatory for a doctor who worked for the villain responsible for the Kamino Ward Incident. This doctor was the one making the Nomu creations as well and had turned Shigaraki into a semi-Nomu if you will as they added new quirks into Shigaraki's body but the process was not completed due to the Pro Hero Mirko being able to destroy the experiment equipment that was working on Shigaraki. As such, he did not obtain the full power he was aiming for but sadly the First Division failed in not allowing Shigaraki to awaken which lead to the devastation of the Jaku city. 

While this was going on there was also a raid being done on the other main base of the PLF by the other portion of the first division which raided the mountain vila that contained the other half of the PLF Army inside which consisted of roughly 40,000 members in each main base location. Sadly due to the awaking of Shigaraki, he was able to summon his strongest follower called Gigantomachia who had devastating power which resulted in higher casualties and injuries at the raid on the villa. 

Roughly at this time, my classmates and I had already engaged the vast majority of the PLF forces at our attack site and had defeated the vast majority of them when we were notified of Shigaraki's awaking. At that moment I knew my class and I would need to leave our location as preplanned since we knew I stood a significant chance at combating Shigaraki due to the power I hold. The rest of the Pro Heros from my second division arrived in the underground section where we were and helped us defeat the remaining half of the villains which consisted of around 10,000 to 20,000 villains left undefeated. After five minutes we were done and used one of my classmate's portal quirks that cause us to relive our worst memories which we trained highly in to withstand and started to make our journey to the battle at the hospital.

While we left command was given to Principal Souh as planned so he could lead the clean-up in that location before sending reinforcements to the First division since we knew Shigaraki had awakened and we needed to plan for a drawn-out fight. During my classmates and I's journey, we discovered the fact that Gigantomachia was laying waste to the first division forces as such we stopped on our path to handle him due to the fact that there were many cities that laid in his path with no real defense possible for said cities which would have lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths if he kept moving forward.

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