"Wait, I thought Diamond was your original?" Breezy said.

"No. Truffles was but I left her for some reason and went to Diamond. Then I left Diamond because I didn't want her anymore and have just been messin' with either of 'em whenever." The look on Breezy's face could not be explained and it left me in tears from laughing so hard.

"If Mom knew, she'd kill you." I said. "But I ain't about to say shit. Can we go out for pizza or something? I really want food and I'm tired of microwaved stuff."

"I'm down. We needa drop M.C off so he can eat." Nodding my head, I got up off the couch and grabbed my keys. "Ty you're driving since Trey's crippled and I'm tired." Breezy continued to say.

~Lexis P.O.V.~
~Days Later~

"Funny how the second I show up, everything is back in order." I said as I sat at the head of the table at the trap. It was cool to be in Houston but I wanted to be back home.

"Lexis, here's the file for the niggas at the border." One member said as he handed me the file. "Everything is in there, from who's at the border to each sell made."

"Aight, thanks." I said opening the file. Looking over the numbers, a large smile was plastered on my face. This was the shit I wanted to be reading.

"New truies?" Varo asked as he came back holding the belt in his hand and sweat on his brow.

"Nah, not this time. I'm looking at the profits and sells. I like seeing these high numbers." That meant more money coming in. "Sellin' so fast, we might run out of merch to sell- what happened?"

"Some punk was out of line so I whopped some sense into him. It's all good, I got C.U.C cleanin' up the blood. Lemme see the numbers." I slid the file down to him and watched those eyes light up.


"Is that all that we earned?" I nodded. "Holy shit, why weren't they bringing in this much before?" He asked looking back up at me. "That's insane."

"FBI, Big Red, and Lawrence. They were scared. See why I didn't want word spreading to the other gangs? But that's in the past and now we move forward." I retrieved the file and closed it. "I'm heading back to the hotel, I'm not even needed here anymore." Varo nodded his head and I proceeded on my way out of the trap.

I took this short walk to my car to call up Arlie and see if things were going smoothly up in Detroit since things were going so easy down here. Putting the phone to my ear, I hopped in my car and just left the door open to air out the car.

"Aye Lexis." Aldo said into the phone l, which caught me off guard.

"Aye Aldo, where's Arlie-"

"Bring that ass back here and talk shit to my face!" I heard Arlie growl in the background followed by rounds of gunshots fired. "Nah you don't want me chasin' after you, trust when I say just face the consequences now!" He continued to growl... I just shook my head.

"Does that answer your question?" Aldo said with a sigh if his own. My hand resting on the wheel while my phone felt glued to my ear. I continued to hear gunshots and furniture falling over in the background.

"They testing his patience?"

"Yup. Arlie's having a field day, especially with the ones who are trying to flirt with Nicole."

"Put Arlie on right quick, Aldo."

"What Lexis? I'm in the middle of bodying this lil' punk-"

"Are they all unruly?" I asked patiently.

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