~One Shot 2: Running into Bassy~

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  It was a normal day. You and Grell were teamed up as usual, reaping souls as your "To-Die Lists" said. You guys were on your way to the next person who's soul you had to reap when you both saw Sebastian and Ciel around a dead body, which was of the soul you and Grell had to collect. Grell immediately jumped up and squealed at the notice of her dear Bassy.

  You watched as she ran over to Sebastian full of excitement. You followed behind her as she fangirled, squealing and ranting. "It's yet another coincidence that we get the same case Bassy!~" said Grell. Sebastian rolled his eyes and said, "Hello again Grell, yes we have the same case again." Ciel stood next to Sebastian, just as unfazed, until they both saw you. They had never met you before so they were confused, especially considering that you were teamed with Grell. "And who is this?" asked Ciel. "Oh! I'm sorry I almost forgot!" said Grell as she came up behind you putting her hands on your shoulders, making your cheeks dust with red.

  "This right here is Y/N. I've been teamed with them for a while for work. We're practically inseparable!" said Grell, proudly. You smiled and said, "Got that right. But yes, hi, it's a pleasure to meet you both," Giving Sebastian and Ciel a small bow/curtsy at the end. "Pleasure to meet you too," said Sebastian. "Alright now, we need to work on this case, let's get down to the wire," said Ciel, as all four of you walked toward the dead person and did what you had to do.

  Grell continued to stay by Sebastian and observe while he, Ciel, and local investigators tried to work on the case, as you watched the person's cinematic record. Once you took the person's soul and completed their paper you closed your book and looked over at Grell. You began to get jealous as she continued to admire Sebastian closely, too close for your comfort.

  You walked over to her quietly so then she wouldn't notice you next to her. You grasped her little bowtie, turned her towards you, and kissed her all in one motion. It was a quick kiss and you pulled away swiftly, leaving Grell wide-eyed, as well as everyone by you, though the investigators just minded their business. "Hi, we're done here. We got the soul and we definitely don't want any overtime so let's go," you said innocently as you let go of Grell's bowtie. Her cheeks flushed red and she said, "Alright, alright, I'll see you later Bassy~" You took Grell's hand as you both went off to fetch the next soul. "What was that?-" said Ciel. "I couldn't tell you young master," responded Sebastian as they got back to their work.

Grell Headcanons & Grell x Reader One Shots (Grell x Y/N)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat