"So..." Hope stretched out the O at the end of her word looking back at me, the states were away from Harry now and back at me.

But I was still looking at him.

And he was still looking at me.

"Well I mean he just took me on a date and asked me out." I was really, seriously down playing the whole situation now, there was no way I could go into intense details.

Not that I was really sure why.

Harry had nothing to do with mine and James' relationship.

Nothing at all.

"Come on Elodie, I asked for details!" It was like drawing blood out of a stone but Kayleigh was always persistent.

It's not like I could keep stringing it out, "He picked me up and took me to the beach, we just ate some nice food he packed and he asked me to be his girlfriend."

I wasn't exactly lying, that was exactly what happened.

It wasn't overly romantic but I'm glad it wasn't, that's not really my thing.

And I wanted to be his girlfriend, we've practically been inseparable for two months now. Why wouldn't I want that?

"He sounds so romantic and lovely. Was it everything you wanted?" Kayleigh asked, Hope and Marnie weren't quite the same as Kayleigh. They appreciated a good story and gossip but they weren't hopeless romantics.

I hesitated; Harry scoffed.

"Erm, yeah it was." I didn't sound entirely convincing but I was nervous, I was being watched.

"Well, I think you two are perfect for each other." Liam said.

I smiled at him, "Thanks Li."

"Yeah, congrats Elodie, I was hoping this would happen." Niall added in.

There were murmurs across the table of sweet words all congratulating me, I think they all knew it was coming.

Nothing from Harry.

Liam nudged him as if he was silently asking him to say something.

"Happy for you Elodie." His hand slammed down on the table in front of him as he stood up abruptly.

He never called me Elodie.

"Thanks." I whispered.

He didn't mean what he said, neither did I.

Harry reached for his bag under the table and started to make a move, he was leaving.

"Going already? You've just got here..." Louis directed his question at Harry.

"Sorry, just remembered I have something to do."


"Oh okay." Louis sounded a bit concerned but nobody was brave enough to ask any more questions, let alone stop Harry.

He took his belongings and left the lunch table taking the exit that led to the bleachers.

After I'd seen him go there once, I worked out that he actually went there quite often.

Normally to smoke but I think sometimes he just went so he didn't have to speak to anybody else.

Everyone went back to the regular lunch chat, nobody asked me anything else about James. I was silently grateful for that, there was only so much I could take.

I couldn't stop thinking about going after Harry.

I knew I shouldn't.

There was no need.

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