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There, silhouetted under and eastern star,
I see my long lost blossom of Shalimar
You, Misirlou, Are the moon and the sun, fairest one.

Misirlou - Dick Dale

Harry's POV

Her hand ran through my hair but I batted it away.

"Don't touch my hair." There was something about my hair being touched I absolutely hated, most of the time.

She complied but didn't respond.

I felt her reach back down.

10 minutes later she was done.

"How was that?" She batted her eyelashes.

Her blonde hair was fanned over her pillow, we were always at hers, I didn't let her round mine.

I didn't let anyone round mine.

"Fine." I didn't always mean to be so blunt but that was exactly how I felt.

Izzy was very accommodating to my bad manors and grumpy behaviour. I didn't much care for her but she was a convenience.

Sometimes I felt like I was using her but I think she was using me too so therefore we were both as bad as one another.

Between us we used one another for satisfaction and jealousy.

She liked all eyes on her and I liked a certain pair of eyes on me.

But lately that hadn't been working.

"I'm gonna go now." I hated staying after we'd had sex it just made me feel uncomfortable, Izzy often wanted to cuddle or fall asleep and I really didn't.

I didn't particularly like being touched, it felt like someone could know too much about me.

They could feel parts of me that I didn't share with the world.

All in all I was quite a private person.

I didn't share things about myself, the only people who knew anything about me were Gemma and my mum.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay Haz." Her voice was groggy and her hand trailed back up my naked torso to cup my neck.

"No thanks Iz, I'll see you Friday."

Friday was Halloween which meant the biggest party of the year was happening.

And it was happening here.

At Izzy's.

I really wasn't looking forward to it as much as I should have been, Izzy had been asking for a few weeks if I'd wear a costume but I refused.

I'd never worn one before and I wasn't about to start now.

I got up out of the bed and put back on the clothes that were on the bedroom floor.

It was getting dark outside so I wanted to get back before Gem started the night shift and mum went to bed.

I missed them a lot at the moment and struggled to see them as much as I liked.

Often I found myself staying out later than I should, or I went to work.

It was easier to forget my problems when I was on my board and I needed to earn the cash to help out mum.

Still nobody knew I had my job but I still loved working with Marge and Betty. Lately I'd been working less and going to school more, they said senior year was important and these days school wasn't as bad as it used to be.

Trespassing -  |H.S|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz